Chapter 256: One Of A Kind Gift

Storing the dimension ring, which contained a drop of Nephalem blood, within my own dimension ring as I saw no need to show it to everyone; it would be less than ideal and possibly put the Divine Half-sect in an unfavorable situation.

"Quite the wonderful gift, Shelia; that was not something I was anticipating, to say the least. You must really be trying to win the bet." Remarked Elif with a small smile as he looked at Shelia, who smiled in return.

"We didn't create a bet, Prince Elif, unlike you like to do; however, I'm glad you found my present wonderful. I needed to persuade Master quite a lot before she accepted my request." Replied Shelia with a friendly smile as she shook her head before looking to her left, glancing at a woman with Demonic and Dragonic features, who gave Elif a faint smile.

"Well, you don't need to point fingers at people, and if you wish to blame someone, blame my Father; I inherited my gambling desires from him." Stated Elif defensively as he pointed to Marcus, who stared blankly at Elif while he chuckled, causing Marcus to shake his head.

Chuckling at Father, I looked back at Shelia before winking at her, causing her to lightly blush while I also noticed several other women glared at her, which I found to be quite amusing; shaking my head, I grabbed Goliath's dimension ring, and just like a giant, his ring, was like an armband for me.

'No, it doesn't even fit on my arm; it's too big. Huh, maybe I do need to speak with Echo about gaining muscle mass.' Mused Elif with a twitching expression as he looked at the ring before sighing and shaking his head, scanning the inside with his divine sense.

There were two presents inside, and for the first time, neither were horny or vulgar gifts, which was a relief; one was a large chest, and the other was a much smaller chest, but surprisingly, they both radiated an impressive amount of Qi. Summoning the large chest, which was about the size of me, I kept it floating in the air before waving my hand, opening the chest, and revealing a large bone with a blackish tint to it.

"Is this the bone of a Giant?" Asked Elif curiously as he glanced at Goliath before lightly touching the bone chest.

"No, it's the bone of a Titan, an ancient one at that! I won't go into detail on why we have such an item, but it's a small piece of bone from the finger." Declared Goliath with a large smile as he displayed his pinky while his parents, who were sitting beside him, were rubbing their faces in frustration.

"The bone of a Titan? That is a rather rare and unique gift. Thank you, Goliath." Said Elif with a raised eyebrow as he looked at the bone before slightly smiling at Goliath while nodding.

Closing the chest, I stored it in my dimension ring before summoning the second smaller chest; holding it within my hand, I opened it, and to my surprise, there was a small, glowing, green gem. I may not have gotten the previous gift correct, but I knew what this gem was: it was a time stone. Time stones, as they're called, are stones that have bathed within the dao of time and allow whoever wields them to manipulate time; although they sound powerful, they are mainly used to create formations, not to attack. Of course, if properly used, they can be quite useful in battle; the only problem is that they require a tremendous amount of Qi, which is why they're commonly used in formations that deal with time.

'Heh, this is quite perfect for someone like me; I'm confident no one has as much Qi as I do.' Mused Elif with a faint smirk as he gazed at the time stone before closing the chest and storing it within his dimension ring.

A uniqueness about objects that have absorbed a Dao is just because an object is big, it doesn't mean it's more potent; a Dao is far more ethereal than Qi, and it's simply the understanding of something, of course, to such an incredibly high degree that it can affect the physical plane alone.

"Appreciate the time stone, Goliath; I'm sure it'll be much more potent within my hands than anyone else's. However, I did notice it looked to be broken off from a much larger piece." Remarked Elif with a faint smirk as he looked at Goliath while floating over the massive dimension ring to him, which was now empty.

"Haha, you're right about that, Prince Elif; we have a much larger time stone in the treasury." Stated Goliath with a boisterous laugh while his parents, sitting to the side, masked their frustration and anger with a smile that was constantly twitching.

Lightly shaking my head, I looked over at Sarah, who was slightly blushing as she eagerly looked at me, causing me to chuckle while I grabbed her dimensions ring off the tray and looked inside, only to be met with a single crystal ball, which scared me a little since I knew Sarah had a crush on me, but I did know her well enough where I don't think she'd send me images of herself naked.

'Haa, don't lose my trust now, Sarah.' Thought Elif nervously as he summoned the crystal ball and held it in his hands before inspecting it with his divine sense.

Just to be on the safe side, on the off chance it's pictures of Sarah, I looked through the crystal ball with my divine sense, yet what I saw caused me to momentarily freeze; what I saw wasn't pictures of Sarah; I saw her memories. I saw it all, starting from her first memory when we first met each other outside the Elven Cuisine Pagoda to when she, Elaine, and I would play tag in the courtyard, along with the time when I forced her and Elaine to dress up as maids, to when I had forced her to say my name without any honorifics until it finally ended with her last memory being when I joked around talking about her and I eloping.

However, not only did I get to witness every memory she had with me, but I also got to experience the emotions she felt at that time: happiness, joy, exuberance, playfulness, and finally, love. I knew Sarah had a crush on me; I just never realized she held such unrequited love for me. I wouldn't have cared much if it were anyone else, but Sarah was the only person I could call a friend, so I couldn't just not care; besides, I very much like this gift.

It wasn't flashy, expensive, or even useful, but those were the memories of every time the two of us had been together, something we would never be able to replicate, no matter how much time passed; only now, when I looked back, did I get to realize how much I actually enjoyed her presence.

'Heh, it's unfortunate my pride has gotten in the way of allowing me to ever make friends, but at least I happened to make one.' Thought Elif with a soft smile as he stored the crystal ball within his dimension ring before looking at Sarah, who was nervously looking at him.

"Thank you, Sarah, I really loved the gift." Stated Elif genuinely as he sported a truly lovely smile, one that he'd only ever shown to Elaine till this day, which caused nearly every woman to blush while they murmured in surprise.

"Y-Y-You're welcome, P-Prince Elif." Replied Sarah with a deep blush and a silly smile as she looked at Elif while Elaine and Suscila glared at her.

'For you to smile like that, it must've been one amazing present.' Said Illumia via divine sense as she glanced at Elif, slightly blushing in the process.

'Yeah, it was one of a kind.' Replied Elif lightly via divine sense while smiling as he went ahead and grabbed the second to last dimension ring.

Not even Suscila's dimension ring was enough to ruin my incredible mood; looking through her dimension ring, I saw a single thing, and unsurprisingly, it was rather mediocre, well, mediocre for an Immortal hegemony, but pretty good for a Divine. Resting within the opened chest was a blue fish fin, about the size of my hand; though, I ignored it and focused on the note placed atop the fin.

'Sorry, Darling, I'll make sure to make it up for this pathetic gift.' Thought Elif as he read the note before glancing at Suscila, who was apologetically smiling, though he couldn't have cared less, definitely not when he was in such a happy mood.

"A wonderful present, Suscila; I appreciate it." Said Elif as he stored the present within his dimension ring, causing Suscila to clench her fist before angrily looking at Sarah, who was still sporting a silly smile while Birger was sighing in defeat.

Setting the dimension ring down, I grabbed the final dimension ring belonging to Mother and Dad, though it was far from the final present, just merely the final one I'd be opening tonight. After all, Elaine, Illumia, Marley, Idonea, and Mandy hadn't given me their present, though, minus Elaine, they were servants, so they'd be holding it off until the next day.

'Which is good since after this is over, we'll still have a dance, and I don't think I'd be able to last that long. My libido is currently far higher than it's ever been.' Mused Elif lightly as he held Maria and Marcus's dimension ring while glancing at his crotch, which was constantly in a semi-erect state, though thankfully, it was still hidden from view.