The Appearance of The System

[Welcome to the System!]

A voice rang through my head. It sounded robotic.

[Please choose your class.]

A class? I open my eyes to see a blue interface in front of me. It was slightly see through, so I could still see my dresser on the other side of my room. The interface had a long list of classes.

A Warrior, Mage, Archer, and Defender. But it also had sub classes like Summoner, Sorcerer, Longbowman, Sniper, Berserker, Knight, Assassin, and Tamer. I was and still am a fan of magic so if this was real I was going to pick mage, but what subclass should I pick. When I think of a summoner I think of someone who could summon powerful creatures but over time they would go away. A Sorcerer's main focus would be on spells but what If I need some one to defend me. And a Tamer would be focus on the animals I personally tame. There won't be a cool down but there will be less spells.

In the end my love of animals got the best of me, I choose to become a tamer. The interface turned green.

Name: Leo Smith

Class: Magic Tamer


Heath:10/10 Mana:20/20 Stamina:20/20


Active: Tame(Lvl.1), Magic Missile(Lvl.1), Meditate(Lvl.1), Target Heal(Lvl.1)

Passive: Mana Recovery(Lvl.1), Magic Knowledge(Lvl.1)

Is this real? Did I really get a system? I have been waiting for this my entire life. All the manga and webnovels I have read will finally come to use.

I held out my hand and tried to shoot out a magic missile. A shot of blue light hit the bottle on my dresser and it... Did Nothing??? Why didn't it do anything? I checked the interface again.

[Magic Missile Lvl.1]

Damage: 0.5-2


The more you charge it the more powerful the spell.

This time I tried to charge the spell before I shot it out. It felt more consuming like my life force was being drained out to me. The blue light came out slightly bigger than before hitting the the bottle off the dresser.

[The Understanding of Magic Missile has increased]

[Magic Missile is now level 2]

So, the more I use the spell the more powerful it becomes? To test this theory I sat on my bed and shot the missile a couple of times till my mana was empty I then looked at the skill meditate to check if it did what I thought and the level 2 magic missile since the others were quite self explanatory.

[Meditate Lvl.1]

Mana Regen: 1 Per Sec

Stamina Regen: 1 Per Sec

As you relax you feel yourself become rejuvenated.

[Magic Missile Lvl.2]



The more you charge it the more powerful the spell. This spell can travel trough clear substances.

So I gained more information on magic missile. After observing the skills, I tried to get myself in the most relaxed position I could, Which ended up with me laying down on the bed.

[Meditate has been activated]

After about 20 second has passed.

[Meditate is now Level 2]

Wait it didn't say anything about understanding. I checked the info on Meditate

[Meditate Lvl.2]

Mana Regen: 1.5 Per Sec

Stamina Regen: 1.5 Per Sec

As you relax you feel yourself become rejuvenated.

That's barely a difference! What am I supposed to do with that.

I just got this system and it's already getting on my nerves.

I got off my bed frustrated and walked to the living room. I find that my family were sitting in there looking at their different color screens.

"What is happening in here," I asked. Looking towards my mother. She had long black hair. Her eyes were black, it kind of seemed like there is a yellow hue to them. She was sitting on the couch looking at a bright yellow screen, but you could still tell how short she was. She was staring at the screen in front of her and responded to my question.

"These strange screens appeared in front of our faces," My mom said.

"Didn't you hear Eliza scream," My older brother, Phillip said. He was more on the taller side probably getting it from our father, who is living with his new wife in Louisiana. But Phillip was even taller then him. He had short black hair and had dark brown eyes, and shiny white teeth, when he talks it's like a flashing light in your eyes, and he talks a little to much.

"I didn't scream," said my little sister, Elizabeth, in retaliation. She was usually at the butt of all of our brother's sly remarks. She had black hair that fades into a purple, which was her favorite color. She also had dark brown eyes.

"Guess I was still asleep when that happened," I said being the adaptable person I am. "So what class did you all pick."

"I got the Berserker Class," Eliza said. She had a bright Red screen.

"That fits," Phillip responded.

"What's that supposed to mean," Eliza said.

"Well I got the Sorcerer Class," Phillip said ignoring her. He had a Blue Screen.

"And I got the Priest Class," My mom said.

Priest? I didn't have that option. I guess my mom is a lot more religious than me. So classes are correspondent to the person receiving them, or maybe there was a set group of classes and there are added ones to people that deserve them.

[You have learned personal information about others]

[You have learned the skill Analysis]

So I can learn new skills without much effort. Lets check this out.

[Analysis Lvl.1]

You can take a peek at someone status without their knowing.

"Did you all get that too," My mother said.

"The analysis skill, yep" My brother said.

Interesting. That could be usef-

The ground to shake violently. I immediately fell down being the only one standing.

Boom! Bam! ROOOAAAR!

What..... Was..... That.