What Is That

I ran out to the porch of the house to see the world on fire. The small neighborhood I lived in seemed fine but the surrounding trees were ablaze and the air was filled with smoke. There were some people running through the streets to get away from the targeted area. While others walked closer to get a glimpse of what was happening. Then there was something flying through the sky. It hit the house and landed on the ground. I went to take a closer look. 

[Analysis has been activated]

[Slime Lvl.1]

Heath:3/10 Mana:0/10 Stamina:0/10

[Can be Tamed]

A slime? Those aren't real. Well I guess they are now. The slime started to walk....crawl...move toward me at a slow pace.

Does it want me to put it out of its misery? Can these things even think?

"OMG KILL IT," Eliza said.

"Wait a second," I said as I meet the slime halfway.

I check out my healing skill

[Target Heal Lvl.1]

Health Regen:1 Per Sec

Stamina Regen:1 Per Sec

Mana:1 Per Sec

Distance: Touching

I kneel down and poked the slime. It wasn't sticky like I thought it was, it was more like a water balloon and it was mainly green with some red spots on it. I then place my hand on it, then I try to push out a healing aura. A golden green aura was released onto the slime.

[Target Heal is now Level 2]

[Slime Lvl.1]

Heath:7/10 Mana:2/10 Stamina:7/10

[Can be Tamed]

[Target Heal Lvl.2]

Health Regen:1.5 Per Sec

Stamina Regen:1.75 Per Sec

Mana:1 Per Sec

Distance: 1 Foot

These skills level up quickly. The slime then jumped up and down happily. So it can feel, so I guess that includes thoughts.

[Tame Has been activated]

[Taming successful]

Huh? I didn't even try to activate that skill.

[Tame Lvl.1]

Passive: When a creature swears loyalty to you because they want to

Active: When a creature swears loyalty to you out of fear or force[Can Fail]


You can see the Status of your tames

So it's a Passive and Active skill. And there doesn't seem to be a max on the number that I can tame. Why do I even need to upgrade this skill. It doesn't take up that much mana and it really doesn't do anything else. Lets check out it stats


Type: Parasitic


Heath:10/10 Mana:10/10 Stamina:10/10


Active: Absorb(Lvl.1), Magic Missile(Lvl.1), Attach(Lvl.1)

Passive: Mana Recovery(Lvl.1),Poison Resistance(Lvl.1),Physical Resistance(Lvl.1)

"What did you do to it," Mother said with a hint of fear.

"I tamed it," I said." I'm a Tamer."

"Why would you choose to become a tamer." My brother says," It's basically useless."

"It's not useless and I'm gonna prove it. Once I become stronger." I say.

I look at the slimes array of skills. The Resistances are self-explanatory. Now what are Absorb and Attach. Forgetting about the slowly burning world around me.

[Absorb Lvl.1]

Can absorb the energy of living things around it

Can take the abilities of absorbed living things

[Attach Lvl.1]

Can attach itself to other living things. Can live off the others mana. Though they rarely let them stay

It doesn't take any mana? Wait any living thing.

"Umm... Use Absorb?" I say to the slime.

The surrounding patch of vibrant green grass begins to shrivel up and turn brown. The Mana from the slime seemed to come out of its body, land on the grass and pull the life out of it. After absorbing the grass the slime became a brighter shade of green.

[Understanding of the skill Absorb has increased]

[You have learned the skill Absorb]

[Slime has learned the skill Photosynthesis]

"Cool," I say.

I surround the ground around me with my mana. And pull it back into me.

[You have learned the skill Photosynthesis]

"What happened to your hair," My Mom says. Taking me by surprise. I forgot that they were there. Guess I was too focused on the gaming aspect.

"What do you mean," I replied. As far as I'm aware nothing about me has changed, but my black hair now had a hint of green to it.

"Nevermind," She said "It's probably nothing."

The ground begins to shake. And strange shrieking noises coming from down the street from the direction the slime came from. A noise sounding kind of like a dog howling came from down the street. Then I saw my neighbors start running from down the road screaming for their lives.

A wolf the size of a house was strolling down the street eating whatever meat came in its way. It had bit our next door neighbor in half leaving his legs just standing there in till they were crushed by the wolf's paws.