The Alpha

[Analysis has been activated]

[Analysis has reached Level 2]

[The Understanding of Analysis has increased]

[Dire Wolf]

Type: Alpha


Heath:??? Mana:??? Stamina:???

[You are too low level to Tame by force]

As I observe the wolf it stops in it's tracks and slowly turn it's head toward me.

Is it looking at me? Why?

[Analysis Lvl.2]

You can take a peek at someone status without their knowing. This only works on targets that are 15 levels above or the same level as you. Higher level targets may be alerted.

Why does it only say this now?!

ROOAAR! The wolf bellowed. Sounding more like a lion if anything. Then it started to run towards it's new prey... ME!

I picked up my new buddy Mr. Slime and started running down the road. Then about a minute later I had a thought. Wait it said Alpha right doesn't that mean it's a part of a pack...

Then howling came from the surrounding woods and infront of me.

8 new wolves came around me

[Dire Wolf Lvl. 1][Dire Wolf Lvl.3][Dire Wolf Lvl.4][Dire Wolf Lvl.7][Dire Wolf Lvl.9][Dire Wolf Lvl.13][Dire Wolf Lvl.15]

They are much lower level than the Alpha maybe I could try out something new. I proceed to throw, Mr. Slime at Mr. Dire Wolf Lvl. 15 with set instructions. Then Mr. Dire Wolf tried to eat Mr. Slime whole. Just as I planned.

"Use Attach then keep using absorb" I said to Mr. Slime. They attached itself to the roof of the wolf's mouth. Then I began to run again passing the surprised wolves. I tried to infuse my feet with mana.

[Understanding of Mana has increased]

[You have learned Mana Sprint]

[Mana Knowledge has reached Level 2]

I begin to pick up speed. I then reach the dead end of the road. I was surrounded with no place to go. At least that's what the wolves thought. Until, Thud! The Level 15 Wolf Fell to the ground. And a little slime came out of it's mouth.

[Slime has defeated a Dire Wolf Lvl.15]

[Slime has learned the skill Howl]

[Slime has Learned the skill Bite]

[Slime has leveled up 9 times. Reaching Level 10]

[You have leveled up 4 times. Reaching Level 5]

[Tame has reached Level 2]

[The Understanding of Tame has increased]

[System has now EVOLVED]

The system can evolve? That not how this usually goes. Maybe when I reach certain levels the System evolves. Wait, how can the Slime learn those skills It doesn't have a mouth? I gain some experience from my slime.

Name: Leo Smith

Class: Magic Tamer


Heath:15/15 Mana:30/30 Stamina:30/30


Strength:10 Intelligence:15 Agility:15



Active: Tame(Lvl.2), Magic Missile(Lvl.2), Meditate(Lvl.2), Target Heal(Lvl.1), Absorb(Lvl.1), Analysis(Lvl.2), Mana Sprint(Lvl.1)

Passive: Mana Recovery(Lvl.1), Magic Knowledge(Lvl.2), Photosynthesis(Lvl.1)


Type: Parasitic


Heath:60/60 Mana:20/20 Stamina:30/30

Strength:40 Intelligence:10 Agility:15


Active: Absorb(Lvl.1), Magic Missile(Lvl.1), Attach(Lvl.1), Howl(Lvl.1), Bite(Lvl,1)

Passive: Mana Recovery(Lvl.1),Poison Resistance(Lvl.1),Physical Resistance(Lvl.1)

So when I level up my status resets, and I knew there was something missing but I couldn't quit put my finger on it. I put 5 points in each of my stats and 10 in strength so it'll balance out.

Heath:35/35 Mana:40/40 Stamina:40/40

Strength:20 Intelligence:20 Agility:20


One of the lower level wolves walks over to the corpse of the Dire Wolf. It seemed like a baby compared to... Was it a puppy. Did I just kill it's mother. I'm a terrible person. No! I didn't know and they were trying to kill me.

The puppy turned to me with anger but I couldn't reciprocate I didn't want to fight anymore. I would get revenge on the man who killed my mom.


This sound came from the mother that I thought that I killed. Turns out defeated just means unable to fight. The pup happily ran over to its mother and stayed by her side the rest of the fight. I did not want to fight a puppy, but in the end I would have to. I don't know what may come at me but I can't allow my feeling to get in the way of progress.

I still had to face the other 7 wolves

I decided to start with the weaker ones

I ran towards the Level 3 Wolf and punched it in it's face while sending the Slime to the Level 13. Taking two at a time was great for this but, what about the other wolv...

"Leo," A voice in the distance calls " We are here to save you." Eliza, Phillip, and My mother come up the hill out of breath.

"What took y'all so long" I say.

"What took us so long?" My mother says," We were running right when we saw the wolf, but not straight in the direction it was going, how could you be so stupid."

"Well one of us had to be the bait," My Brother says.

"Oh be quiet, you were the main one saying that we had to go back" My mother says. Showing that my brother really does care for me.

"Ok, lets fight these wolves" I say.

[Party Mode has been activated]

[Phillip(Lvl.1Sorcerer)]Heath:10/10 Mana:20/20 Stamina:20/20

[Leo(Lvl. 5Tamer)]Heath:35/35 Mana:40/40 Stamina:40/40

[Slime(Lvl.10Parasitic)]Heath:60/60 Mana:20/20 Stamina:20/20

[Nikki(Lvl.1Priest)]Heath:10/10 Mana:20/20 Stamina:20/20

[Eliza(Lvl.1Berserker)]Heath:10/10 Mana:20/20 Stamina:20/20