Learning from the Party

This is a cool feature... I wonder if I get the same perks as normal parties in games

"How are you so much higher level then us," My brother says angrily.

"Maybe you should just get good," I say.

Then I shoot 5 fully charged Magic Missiles at the Dire wolf Level 3. Only 3 hit but, it still fell to the ground.

[You have Killed Dire Wolf Lvl.3]

[Magic Missile is now Level 3]

Killed? I wasn't trying to kill it, just knock it out.

[Magic Missile Lvl.3]



The more you charge it, the more powerful the spell. This spell can travel through clear substances.

The slime rushes towards another Dire wolf shooting Magic Missiles toward it.

[Slime has Killed Dire Wolf Lvl.13]

[Slime has leveled up 1 time. Reaching Level 11]

[You have leveled up 2 times. Reaching Level 7]

[Phillip has level up 3 times. Reaching Level 4]

[Nikki has level up 3 times. Reaching Level 4]

[Eliza has level up 3 times. Reaching Level 4]

Now you're killing things. I turn around to see my family ganging up on the Level 4 Dire Wolf My sister was ran toward it, hit it with her fist, then ran back. While My brother was shooting what looked like arrows made of mana. Giving me a question that I would soon answer. Can we change the shape of the mana? My mom stood to the side and when it seemed like my sister was getting tired she would heal her.

[Eliza has killed level 4 Dire Wolf]

[Eliza has leveled up 1 time. Reaching Level 5]

[Understanding of Mana has increased]

[Magic Knowledge has reached level 3]

[Magic Knowledge Lvl.3]

Mana is needed to perform most types of magic. You can imbue mana into living or non-living things improving their strength or agility. Mana can take any shape the caster needs.

The things that stuck out to me was, most types of magic and imbuing living and non-living things. What other types of magic were out there and how do I obtain them? I surround my body with my mana and pushed as hard as I could.

It was like the was an explosion. The surround area was devastated.

[You have learned Mana Shield Lvl.1]

[You have learned Mana Bomb Lvl.1]

[Mana Shield Lvl.1]

Mana:5 Per Sec

Surround your body with mana protecting you from incoming attacks

[Mana Bomb Lvl.1]



Radius: 10 feet

The mana pushes back the air around you causing a huge wind gust to areas around you.

Can count as wind magic

I couldn't have learned this if it wasn't for my idiotic brother. Then I remember they were on the field too.

[Phillip(Lvl.4Sorcerer)]Heath:9/14 Mana:9/20 Stamina:10/20

[Leo(Lvl. 7Tamer)]Heath:37/37 Mana:15/40 Stamina:40/40

[Slime(Lvl.11Parasitic)]Heath:55/60 Mana:20/20 Stamina:20/20

[Nikki(Lvl.4Priest)]Heath:9/14 Mana:10/20 Stamina:20/20

[Eliza(Lvl.5Berserker)]Heath:9/14 Mana:20/20 Stamina:10/20

"The heck did you do that for," Phillip yells. Picking himself up from the dirt.

I should probably stop trying destructive things while we are in life or death situations. Probably won't though.

"Sorry" I say.

The level 7 and level 9 wolves run off into the forest out of the fear of being next. Now all that was left was the Alpha.

[Analysis has been activated]

[Dire Wolf]

Type: Alpha


Heath:200/200 Mana:100/100 Stamina:50/100

[You are too low level to Tame by force]

"Go attack Slime" I command.

It proceeds to shoot several Magic Missiles at it while moving towards it. I also shoot missile now in the form of small condensed bullets.

[Magic Missile (Lvl.3) has transformed into Magic Bullet (Lvl.1)]

[Magic Bullet Lvl.1]



The more you charge it, the more powerful the spell. This spell can travel through clear substances. The tip causes it to travel faster.

Now that's an upgrade. I aim for the top of the wolf's skull and release a barrage of bullets. Well only about Three full charged ones, I ran out of mana, but they landed dead center.

[Critical Hit!][Critical Hit!][Critical Hit!]

[Dire Wolf]

Type: Alpha


Heath:130/200 Mana:100/100 Stamina:30/100

[You are too low level to Tame by force]

The my family starts to attack it too. My mother and brother go at it with magic arrows and missiles while my sister started to throw rocks at it.

But the wolf wasn't gonna go down as easily as the other ones.


Why did it do that?

The wolf then charged at lighting fast speed towards me I barely had time to react.

[Mana Shield has been activated]

The wolf then hit me with it's paw and I flew towards my slime who had just ran out of mana. I landed on the side of the road. When I regained myself, I quickly got up, then used the move Slime Throw. And told it to attach and absorb the Alpha.

The slime attached to the side of the Alpha and sat there in it's fur. But the Alpha saw what happened to the other wolf and quickly threw it off. Will we be able to beat this guy.


Name: Leo Smith

Class: Magic Tamer


Heath:20/37 Mana:20/40 Stamina:40/40


Strength:20 Intelligence:20 Agility:20



Active: Tame(Lvl.2), Magic Bullet(Lvl.1), Meditate(Lvl.2), Target Heal(Lvl.1), Absorb(Lvl.1), Analysis(Lvl.2), Mana Sprint(Lvl.1),Mana Bomb(Lvl.1),Mana Shield(Lvl.1)

Passive: Mana Recovery(Lvl.1), Magic Knowledge(Lvl.3), Photosynthesis(Lvl.1)