
"We should build up defenses around here" my brother said.

"Yeah, we really should," My sister said," Those slimes got into here a little too easily".

"If they were anything else, we would have gotten here too late to do something."

They were right of course I could have died. And I think I have the perfect solution. I went outside the school and sat on the ground. Right on the dirt. I thought about how I could go about it. I tried to imbue the ground with mana like I did with my feet. I put my hand on the ground and tried to imbue my magic to it.

[You have learned the skill Imbue]

[Imbue (Lvl.1)]

You imbue your magic into an object making it temporarily stronger. You can imbue as much mana you want or give it any active or passive skill you have.

A small part of the ground had a slight glow to it. And after a few seconds the glow went away. Well at least I learned a new skill. What other way was possible. I start to play around the the dirt moving it around in the palm of my hand and make a tiny dirt mound.

[You have learned the skill Earth Manipulation]

Really it was that easy, why do I even try.

[Earth Manipulation Lvl.1]

You can manipulate earth like you do mana with ease.

It has the same description as wind manipulation.

I try to pull the earth up with my hand making a wall about half my size.

[You have learned the skill Earth Wall]

Earth is pretty easy, maybe I should make it my main element. I should start building this wall.

I proceed to make a wall around the school. Just outside of the large fence. As I built them the skill kept getting stronger so I ended up circling around 2 more times. And whenever I needed a break I meditated lucky I didn't fall asleep while making this wall.

[Earth Manipulation is now level 5]

[The Understanding of Element Earth has increased]

[Earth Wall is now level 7]

[The Understanding of Earth Wall has increased]

[Earth Manipulation Lvl.5]

You can manipulate earth like you do mana with ease. You can mix Earth Manipulation into the other elements (Except wind) to create a more powerful elements.

[Earth Wall Lvl.7]

You can create walls out of the earth. You can condense the earth to create stronger walls.

Well that's all I can do for now.

I made a big moat, well not really a moat, it didn't have any water, but I had to get the dirt some where. I made bricks out of the dirt and stack them up to make the walls, I thought that that would make it stronger. The downside to earth manipulation was that I couldn't combine it with my wind manipulation. Which I guess it makes a little since. I didn't make a door. If we needed to leave I could lower some earth to make an exit.

The wall was just as big as the school hiding from any smaller creatures but I think that it make bring us more attention for the bigger ones and/or smarter ones. We couldn't just keep sitting here hiding. We needed to fight back. We need to get stronger and I can't keep being the only one growing.

I went back to the door just to see my family standing there.

"How did you make that in just 5 hours." My mother said, looking at the huge wall.
"Well I'll show you" I proceeded to pick up a hand full of dirt. I wanted to try something new anyway. I try to shape it into a dagger shape. It was limited to my own imagination so it wasn't that great mainly because I wasn't well versed in weapons, but I think it came out pretty well.

[You have learned the skill Earth Dagger]

[You have learned the skill Teacher]


[Earth Dagger (Lvl.1)]

You create a dagger out of earth. It's strength is based of the wielder strength and their Earth Manipulation level.

[Teacher (Lvl.1)]

You can teach skills to your students. The time it takes and the level possible will depend on the relationship between student and teacher.


Eliza Smith

Phillip Smith

Nikki Smith


This is just perfect my family needs to grow stronger. I teach almost all my skills. I want to keep a few for myself. How am I going to be the protagonist if everyone could do what I could do. I taught them Absorb, Aura, Mana Bomb, Shield, Sprint, and Transfer, and Wind and Earth Manipulation. The other skills, they can easily learn by themselves. All I have left is Observant, Photosynthesis, Bestiary, Earth Wall, and Earth Dagger. Which they will probably learn themselves.

To train the skills up I decided to let them on my idea for training.

"What if we had one side use a Mana Shield and the others try some spells the want to try." I said.

"That's a great idea Leo," Mom said "Let's go outside since we have this new yard."

I put up my mana shield and let all three on them hit it since I was already pretty strong. They threw spells I haven't seen before they seemed to be made of different component Eliza seemed to be throwing daggers made of earth. While Phillip had these wind blades that he was slashing at a small earth wall he made. Guess he wanted to practice on his own. And mom sat in the corner watching but I think could feel something come off her once in a while but when I looked back she was just sitting there smiling.

[You have learned Mana Detection]

So that is what mana feels like. I wonder what she is doing over there.

After the I decided that I needed to do something other than just sit here. So while I had my Mana shield up I tried to pull up a earth wall.

[You have learned Multi-Spelling]

[Multi-Spelling (Lvl.1)]

You can use two spells at once

So as I use that I can use more than two spells. I wanted to try something else. Right as Eliza threw a dagger at me I took down my Mana Shield.

"Leo watch out," She yelled, but I was already ready for it. As it approached I made an earth wall and a mana shield at the same time in the same place. There was a bright light, but it wasn't blinding. The earth wall was no longer attached to the ground it was slightly floating above it. It looks like an actual shield.

[You have learned the skill Combine]

[You have created a new skill using Combine]

[What would you like to name it]

"Let's call it Earth Shield"

[Skill Earth Shield has been created]

[Earth Shield (Lvl.1)]

You create a shield that is mostly made of earth with the power of mana behind it.

I look up to see Eliza running toward with a look of anger on her face. Right as she raised her fist to punch I created an earth shield. It lasted for about a second before cracks started to form, but it was to fast to react to. next thing I know a fist is coming from my side which broke my focus to the shield. Then a fist went straight to my face.

[You have learned the skill Pain Tolerance]

[You have lost 10 Hp]

"Tell me the next time you are going to try something stupid," She said as she walks away. At least I got two new skills out of that.


Name: Leo Smith

Class: Magic Tamer


Experience: 362/10000

Heath:60/86 Mana:30/130 Stamina:20/40


Strength:20 Intelligence:65 Agility:20

Charisma:10 Endurance :20



Active: Absorb(Lvl.1), Analysis(Lvl.2),Aura(Lvl.1), Combine(Lvl.1), !Earth Dagger(Lvl.1), !Earth Manipulation(Lvl.5), !Earth Shield(Lvl.1), !Earth Wall(Lvl.7), Heal(Lvl.1), !Imbue(Lvl.1), Magic Bullet(Lvl.4), Mana Bomb(Lvl.1),Mana Shield(Lvl.1), Mana Sprint(Lvl.1),Mana Transfer (Lvl.1),Meditate(Lvl.6), Observant(Lvl.1),Tame(Lvl.2),Target Heal(Lvl.1), Wind Manipulation(Lvl.1)

Passive: Bestiary, Mana Recovery(Lvl.1), Magic Knowledge(Lvl.3), !Pain Tolerance (Lvl.1), Photosynthesis(Lvl.1), Speed Up(Lvl.3), !Teacher(Lvl.1)

