The Survivors

We now had nothing to worry about. We were completely safe. With this wall now protecting us we'll be fine. I looked around at my family. I am so happy that we all all here together. There was no way I could make it this far without them.


A hole surround by a flame appeared in the wall. The flame was a burning a bright blue. There seemed to be many individuals on the outside. But we didn't have much time to react. The people began to run toward us with what seemed to be of no regard to there own life. These people are crazy.

I create an earth wall fully encasing my family I get close to the wall and imbue it with mana. I could hear them stepping closer to the earth dome. There was a knock on the wall. Then there was a man's voice.

"Hey, we don't want to cause you any trouble." The man with the coarse voice said "Put down the wall."

"You blew a whole through our wall," I said "Kind of looks like you do"

"Our?" The man asked." How many people are there in that dome of yours."

"How many people are outside this dome."

The man paused then laughed at the question.

"Just put the wall down kid," the man said "We won't hurt you."

"Ok, just wait a second." Said in response.

I highly doubt that there not going to at least try to hurt us. If they were friendly they wouldn't be asking about are numbers and they wouldn't be hesitant with theirs. 

"Okay," I whisper. "When I put this shield down immediately put your mana shields up"

"Okay," my mom said with no hesitation.

"Got it," my sister said ready for a brawl.

"If you say so," my brother said with a tinge of fear.

"On three"




I bring my wall down and we immediately put our barriers up. There were arrows and magic missiles flying right at us but we were able to tank all of it. The man looked impressed. He was tall and buff. Looked like he had a rough past. He had tattoos all over his body. He had a large scar over his eye with a white pupil. Right behind him was a short woman about 5'2". She had a singular tattoo on her wrist. Both of them wore clothes that looked like they didn't belong to them. The man wore a tight t-shirt that really shown off his muscles. His pants were also pretty tight. While the girl was wearing a shirt that had old video game that I used to play on it. Something that normally I would get bullied for playing. Well before this all happened anyway.

"That looked kind of like trouble," I said to the man, making sure to look him right in the eyes.

He just looked at me smiling creepily. Not saying a word.

"What do you want?" I asked the tattooed man.

"Well at first I wanted to kill you and take all your stuff," the man said honestly. "But now I want you."

He puts his hand up and for black chains come at us. once they reach us they wrap around our throats. 

[You have become a target of the class skill Submit]

[Will you fight Submit]


Of course I'm fighting submit. What kind of stupid question is tha-

Right then a sharp pain appeared at my neck. The chains began to wrap around even tighter. Suffocating me.

"Don't fight it," the man said. "Everybody submits eventually"

I look around to the people around me. They all had a dark chain around there necks. Some chains extended downward. Like they were dogs, and he was there master. The only one who didn't have a chain was the woman. Who at this moment was huddled up close to the man.

What class does this guy have? 

[Will you fight Submit]

Yes I will keep fighting. This time the pain moved down to my arm. And the sharp pain turned into an internal fire.

[Pain Tolerance is now level 2]

"AH!," my sister screamed falling to the ground. 

𝒽ⓔ 𝒽ᵘℝ𝐭 𝒽ⓔℝ

"This may surprise you," I say to the man. "But I'm not a mage" My mind clouded by the rage of thousands of men. At this he looked a bit confused. 

"Well what are you then". Changing his stance to prepare himself. But nothing could prepare him for what I'm going to do to him. Or rather what their going to do.

"I'm a tamer." 

Get him Slimageddon. 

Slimageddon came out of the shadows in his small form. So cute and innocent. At this the man laughed. 

"Ha, what is that thing going to do to me"


At this Slimageddon began to increase in magnitude. Growing to 3 times the size of the man. Losing it's cute and cuddly properties. You can see the fear grow on his face. He has never seen such a creature before. He'll never see such a creature again. The woman slowly backing away from him.

"You hurt my sister for that you deserve death"


"Aww Sh-"

Slimageddon proceeded to crash down on the man like a wave. Him being stuck in there brought me joy. The thought of him being slowly disintegrated. It only took a few seconds before.

[Slime has killed a Lvl.20 Human]

[Slime has gained the skill Submit(Lvl.1)]

[Slime has gained the skill Darkness Manipulation(Lvl.1)]

[Slime has gained the skill Manipulation(Lvl.1)]

[Slime has gained the skill Dark Wave(Lvl.1)]

[You have leveled up 5 times]

[You are now level 21]

The chains disappeared off of everybody. But they didn't move. They were all still shocked by how easily the man was defeated. The man that took their family and freedom. They were terrified by the huge creature in front of them that took down their oppresser in on fell swoop.


Slimageddon went back to its smaller size. There was complete silence. Then cheers. The people were laughing and crying. They were no longer under the tyrant's rule. 


Name: Leo Smith

Class: Magic Tamer


Experience: 400/7500

Heath:35/45 Mana:98/98 Stamina:30/30


Strength:20 Intelligence:65 Agility:20

Charisma:10 Endurance :20



Active: Absorb(Lvl.1), Analysis(Lvl.2),Aura(Lvl.1), Combine(Lvl.1), Earth Dagger(Lvl.1), Earth Manipulation(Lvl.5), Earth Shield(Lvl.1), Earth Wall(Lvl.7), Heal(Lvl.1), Imbue(Lvl.1), Magic Bullet(Lvl.4), Mana Bomb(Lvl.1),Mana Shield(Lvl.1), Mana Sprint(Lvl.1),Mana Transfer (Lvl.1),Meditate(Lvl.6), Observant(Lvl.1),Tame(Lvl.2),Target Heal(Lvl.1), Wind Manipulation(Lvl.1)

Passive: Bestiary, Mana Recovery(Lvl.1), Magic Knowledge(Lvl.3), Pain Tolerance (Lvl.2), Photosynthesis(Lvl.1), Speed Up(Lvl.3), Teacher(Lvl.1)

