What Now

 With the death of the tyrant, the people had no where to go. Their are good and bad things with staying in a large group so we decide to take them in.15 out of the 21 decided to stay with us the other six thought they have a greater chance of survival alone. I don't want a group of people I didn't know or trust and I also didn't want to throw anyone out, so I decide to have an interview of sorts. Me and my family would talk to individuals to learn their class level and profession before this all happened. While reading their stats. There were a few people who lied about their class and a few who said they had higher levels than they did. Their wasn't anyone of interest in till we got to the woman who was holding tightly to the man.

"What's your name, class, level, and previous profession?" I asked the lady looking down at my clipboard with notes.

"My name is Amelia Lionhart, I'm a mage level 20, and I used to be a vet"

I took a look at her stats

Name: Emily Brown

Class: Bard



Heath:30/30 Mana:40/40 Stamina:20/20

"So are you lying about your job too." I say looking her right in the eyes. 

[You have resisted the skill Seduce Lvl.??]

"Interesting skill you got there," I say.

She looked at me frustrated. "If there isn't anything else I will take my leave." She got off the chair and left the room. As she left the room my family came in. "So who should we look out for." my sister asked as she entered.

"The only person that really stuck out to me is the woman who was stuck to the the man. Real name Emily Brown seems to go by Amelia Lionhart. She said she was a mage but is actually a bard and a witch apprentice. I don't know what it means by apprentice. She tried to use a skill on me and when it didn't work she left."

"I'll keep an eye on her" my brother said walking out. I waited for him to leave.

"Ma could you keep an eye on my brother"

"Why, he seems just fine"

"I'm worried about the skill she used"

"I'm on it" She said leaving the room.

"Eliza I need you to fix the wall and get back to training," I say looking back to my clipboard. There was a few seconds if silence.

"Is that it," She asked "Why can't you do it yourself," Walking out of the room.

I'll deal with that later. I walked out of the room clipboard in hand. There were two people I needed to talk to. Joe Wilson the water mage and Josh Taylor the fire mage. Just so I can see them use their elements.

[You have observed Water Ball]

[You have learned Water Manipulation Lvl.1]

[You have learned Water Ball Lvl.1]

[You have observed Fire Ball]

[You have learned Fire Manipulation Lvl.1]

[You have learned Fire Ball Lvl.1]

[You have learned all four of the basic elements]

[The four basic elements has combined]

[You have learned the skill Basic Elemental Manipulation Lvl.1]

[You have learned the skill Aether Manipulation Lvl.1]

[Basic Elemental Manipulation Lvl.3]


You can manipulate air like you do mana with ease.


You can manipulate earth like you do mana with ease. You can mix Earth Manipulation into the other elements (Except wind) to create a more powerful elements.


You can manipulate water like you do mana with ease.


You can manipulate fire like you do mana with ease.

You have gained knowledge of the basic four elements. These elements are the base of all living things. These elements level up separately. The average is the level of the skill.

[Aether Manipulation Lvl.1]

Aether has also been referred as holy essence. This will not be as easy to manipulate as the basic elements. 

Now that we have so many people. We need a source of food and water. We can use water ball to create water. But food is another situation. We could start a farm now but, no one in this group has ever grown crops before. The only other way I see out of this is to hunt. It seem like only boss monsters give items so we could still eat the smaller ones. If monsters are even edible. If we are going to start hunting we need a hunting party. We need a tank, healer and a dps


Name: Leo Smith

Class: Magic Tamer


Experience: 400/7500

Heath:35/45 Mana:98/98 Stamina:30/30


Strength:20 Intelligence:65 Agility:20

Charisma:10 Endurance :20



Active: Absorb(Lvl.1), !Aether Manipulation(Lvl.1), Analysis(Lvl.2), Aura(Lvl.1), Combine(Lvl.1), Earth Dagger(Lvl.1), Earth Shield(Lvl.1), Earth Wall(Lvl.7), !Elemental Manipulation(Lvl.3), !Fire Ball(Lvl.1), Heal(Lvl.1), Imbue(Lvl.1), Magic Bullet(Lvl.4), Mana Bomb(Lvl.1),Mana Shield(Lvl.1), Mana Sprint(Lvl.1),Mana Transfer (Lvl.1),Meditate(Lvl.6), Observant(Lvl.1),Tame(Lvl.2),Target Heal(Lvl.1),!Water Ball(Lvl.1)

Passive: Bestiary, Mana Recovery(Lvl.1), Magic Knowledge(Lvl.3), Pain Tolerance (Lvl.2), Photosynthesis(Lvl.1), Speed Up(Lvl.3), Teacher(Lvl.1)

