Chapter 109: Changing Clothes

Chapter 109: Changing Clothes

Yumo, after transforming into a human form, was somewhat resistant to wearing skirts.

So, why did she suddenly put on a skirt?

This story began half  day ago...


Half day ago, inside a small wooden house in the eastern part of the Winter Forest,

After hearing Qiu 's proposal, Yumo, sitting in a chair, thoughtfully lifted her hand to support her chin, tilting her head.


"If Xiao can provide me with the identity of a lady of the Black Rose Family, it seems like it would make things much more convenient. But is it really possible? Isn't the identification system for nobles in the Ancita Continent, especially for the aristocracy, very strict? If a large force like the Black Rose Family suddenly has a new lady appear, wouldn't it arouse suspicion? Wouldn't the Sadik Empire's royal family question it?"

Yumo slowly voiced her inner doubts.