Chapter 110: Memory Fibers

Chapter 110: Memory Fibers

Returning to the present,

At the central guesthouse of Linfeng City,

Under the moonlight, Miss Yumo left the banquet hall and walked slowly onto the balcony. She then leaned against the railing, enjoying the beautiful moonlight and the brilliant stars in the sky.

Recalling the previous scene in her house, where she was forcefully stripped and changed into the dress by those unfilial daughters,

A trace of embarrassment and anger appeared in Yumo's beautiful eyes.

'Those naughty girls, they're really rebellious.'

If it weren't for her timely use of the "feather duster," her underwear would have been stripped off by those naughty girls too.

As for why it was so fun?

Yumo couldn't help but complain.

After a moment of hesitation, Yumo focused her attention on the black evening gown she was wearing.

After wearing the long skirt for a day, Yumo no longer felt the initial discomfort,