[Bonus chapter]Eye of Sacrilege - ???

When he rose, his brow wet with sheets of sweat, his legs trembling, Altair steadied himself, drawing long, elongated breaths to calm his turbulent heart that did not seem to steady itself no matter what he did. 

An emotionless voice from the great beyond echoed. One unfamiliar to the Prince's ear. "I shall grant you the Soul of Indomitable Flame to shield you from your Madness." 

The voice stirred Altair's mind. Noticing this, Luna shook her head. "Madness cannot be blocked, but it can be appeased for a short period. But in the end, we all fall to Madness. No matter how powerful a god might be, they too will fall." 

"Then what is the point?" Altair argued his voice cracking, knowing his fate was sealed. He would forever be the Broken Prince.

"To retain the self as long as possible." The voice from beyond said calmly. "For when the Madness comes, you will wallow in despair, for this is the sin of cultivation. The curse we bear for immortality."