Baptism of the Moon

When he woke so deep within the Darkness where the endless stars did not shine, and the voice of Gods and Demons did not reach. Altair felt himself aimlessly floating through the Vale, unable to move. He opened his mouth to speak, to call for help, to yell, yet nothing came. Nothing but the solitude of the night.

And for the first time, Altair felt fear towards the dark, for the Darkness was a pathless abyss of desolation that did not mourn for light nor life. Unimpeded by the absence of creation, The Darkness bore solitude as its only companion. 

Altair stared aimlessly at it. He had been unsure how many days had come and went. He couldn't tell. But he felt warm. Warm under its embrace as if he had returned to the fold. 

"Why won't you move?" A voice from within the dark questioned.