Fifth Form, Zensu

In the cross-flashes of spears rioting against one another, casting tremors far and wide, Nia's dual pupils granted foresight, projected shadowy images of herself and her opponent dancing around their main body and brawling with their spears before they disbursed into a mist. Nia's eyes flashed, curling her lips upwards as she jerked her spear up at an angle, catching the Elder Skeleton where its heart ought to have been if it were still alive. 

The obsidian bones of the strange skeleton shattered into a fine mist, blown away by the force of Nia's strike. The impact was so powerful that it left a gaping hole in the skeleton's body, taking out half of it. 

"A… F…Fine…Spear…" the Elder Skeleton muttered as the azure flames within its hollow sockets faded to embers.