The Lich I

"Let's just find the lich and kill him. I'm tired of this floor," Morrigan grumbled; not bothering to find the entrance to the tower, she opened up a new pathway with a fireball. 

"Hells." Altair paused and shook his head, brushing the debris off his shoulder. He followed after her. Morrigan had already begun to complain about the grotesque statues exposing those conquered and those Felled by his hand. They were grand though Altair otherwise, who held an eye for art though otherwise. Morrigan seemed to share that option, for she destroyed every last one for dirtying her eyes. 

By the time they'd claimed halfway up, Seina and Morrigan had created a game of who could destroy what, hoping they didn't have to climb to the top and the lich might come down. Tasha had even recommended defecating on the statue, though Altair quickly tossed out the idea, bonking her on the head. 

"I was just trying to help!" She'd said in her defense before they resumed their journey.