The answer is a game

"This can't be right."

I can't help but look at my surroundings with astonishment not because of the view or anything but because the words and symbols actually make sense. The incomprehensible words are computer coding or, to be more specific, they're parts of the program language. Just to be shur I ty to put some of them together to see what would happen and im standing on a verdant plane grass as far as the eye can see or well for a good distance before I see a steep drop into nothingness. I think to myself, "I think I can work with this." I can turn this world into a game world. What is the thing all world masters want to get stronger and how do they do that why by others growing stronger in there world making money and gaining fame are other things they want but mainly to get stronger as such I leave my world to get my tablet to start coming up with a plan.

I start making a plan I don't you know how much power my world origin has but I'll just take things slow I will also need talents and skills for the different classes so I go back through my school books as I can use the skills from other worlds from my studies if I don't have everything I can check ither the library or the school bookstore. I can add dungeons and other things like that on new versions and such. as I go through the list of things needed, it suddenly hit me. I can use ordinary people for this. There is no were that says they need some type of aptitude to use my worlds power, so I got a large number of people to work with after I look through the long list of things I need to do I rummage through my old school books to find the right ones as I set them aside I start my plans for the day.

As I go through everything the day passes and as I think I should hit the library and bookstore for the things I'm missing I look outside as the sun is setting I hold off on going out while calling for takeout. I sit at the table eating, looking at my notes, and think, This may just work.

After cleaning up, I lock things up and head to bed. To be honest, the bed is lumpy, and it's caved in on one side, but I slept on worse as I go to sleep. I think I'll hit the bookstore tomorrow.

At 6:30, I'm up and after a cold shower cod because there doesn't seem to be eny hot water. I guess I'm gonna need to do something about the boiler. I head to the mall for breakfast and then go to the bookstore. As I get to the cultivation section, a store clerk asks me if I want help. I look at the woman and take a step back. It's Carroll, a girl I was dating at the beginning of high school she recognizes me, and there is a stiff silence we didn't end on good terms, so ya awkward much. After a good few minutes, I just say I'm here for studying materials she says ok, and we turned and left it at that. I went into the cultivation section and started looking for the necessary materials. After the cultivation section, I head to the magic section, and then with 5 books in hand, I take them up to the counter, pay for them, and leave heading home.

Carrie pov

I learned the hard way when you let greed take over you will eventually pay a price for it and so I did when I found out I was an ordinary person with no aptitude when that happened Richard the guy I was dating didn't want me anymore so now even though I'm in college I have to pay for every course which is why I'm working 2 jobs now. While working my job in the mall I met Sorren I can't tell you how awkward nor how guilty I feel for what I did to him but we can't change the past now can we if we could there would be no mistakes in life. I just hope one day I can find some way to apologize, and well, I'm not expecting things to go back to the way they were. I just want to make things better.

Carrie pov end

After I got home, I dropped the books on the table and checked my bank account. The school gave a stipend to those of poor resources every month all the way till the end of high school and school just started, so I should have gotten paid. As I look, I see $4,325.63 in my account. It looks like the $2,000 the school gives each month was deposited, so I went to the shopping mall to pick up 1 week worth of food and a case of soda. I don't think wasting my current resources on takeout would be the best idea. After I put things away, I get to studying.

As I go through the days studying, I realize that 1 week is not enuf time to get things done, so 5 days in, I go out to get more groceries and then get too it as the days pass there really is no excitement just notes and more notes I go to the library and to the bookstore if the library dosent have what I need needless to say 3 months pass as I study then after that I head into my world to set things up by the time I'm done about 7 months have passed. After confirming everything, I headed out to hire some people to work in my world.

The place to hire people is at a building in the middle of the academy grounds. After I get there, I check the price for hiring ordinary people about $5 per day, which just highlights just how bad they have it. I get to the registry and buy a booth and set $10 per person. As a lineup starts to form, Richard notices me and comes over and tells everyone, "This guy's got an incomplete world, so if you really wana take a chance, go ahead." The minute this was said, the entire line dispersed as he turned and leaves he says,"Good luck, " then laughs long and loud. Well, as time went by, no one was willing to come near my booth as anyone who tried was stopped and told about my world. Even as my 4 hours were almost up, I put the price to $20 per day, and still no one was interested.

As I thought this was going to be a missed day, someone came to my booth yes they were stopped but they still came over as I looked up with a smile to try my luck I took a look at the woman and thought "oh God no."