The system works

Oh God, no.

As the woman gets closer, I wonder if I did something wrong in my last life. The woman walking up to me is Carrie she has this older sister vibe and when we were dating she tended to wear clothes that emphasized her breasts her sizes are generous I mean they're not the most exaggerated but she could definitely turn heads she also used to love her long hair but as she walks this way I notice she cut her hair much shorter than I know she is comfortable with. When she gets to me, she finally looks at me, and her eyes look like a bunny's when a predator is running her down, as the awkward silence goes on I finally open my mouth and say "you looking for work." That seems to knock sense back into both of us as she nods she puts her wrist on the counter to have her e-watch scanned.

"I also have a few friends looking for a good job if you're interested."

As my time was up and I would like a few more people, I agreed and left my notice at the registry and followed Carrie to meet her friends when we got to their table there were 3 other people 2 men and 1 other woman 1 of the men looked like your average pretty boy however the massive bags under his eyes make him look half dead the other guy was massive I mean he had to be 8 feet tall or more and he had muscles on muscles the chair he was sitting on was groaning under the weight and that's on its own impressive because these chairs are reinforced with both magic and qi formations the only woman at the table was definitely the motherly type I see she was trying to hide the bags under her eyes with makeup but it was so bad it mad her look like she had bin punched in both eyes. I don't know what these people have been through, but they look like they fought on the losing side of a war and are in it for the long haul. I can't help but feel sorry for these people. Then I took a moment to think back on when I saw Carrie at my booth and realized her eyes were red and looked like this woman's and I cant help but wonder what type of hell these 4 have bin through. When they spotted me, there was a look of fear that seemed to pass through there eyes be for they see Carrie with a look of relief. Now I'll tell you the massive contrast of fear on a guy that looks like he could benchpress a bus full of people is strange, to say the least, when we reach there table the woman was the first to say "So Carrie who is your friend." As she puts on a guarded smile.

"This is Sorren he is a world master with an incomplete world he says he found a way to complete the world, and he needs people to test it. I volunteered, and I think you guys should also. From what he says, it is quite complete with land and animals, so we should be able to make money there he has agreed to an unlimited pass for 2 months should everything work out and if it doesn't he has agreed to pay all of us a lump sum of $2,000


The three look at each other, but it's the pretty boy that speaks up "You do know that if you enter an incomplete worlds world you will never be able to enter another world ever again because the other worlds origin will kill you." The others nod their heads, but Carrie shoots back."I'm willing to take the chance, and that's why I'm asking you instead of telling you to give it a chance."

They look worried, but it seems like an extra $2,000 in their pockets is very desirable right now, even at the loss of going into other worlds it also looks like all they need is a little push so I describe what my world looks like a bit and what I describe seems to stun them a bit and the woman says "How is that possible no others could figure that much out let alone create a full world."

"That is why I am looking for volunteers as they can prove the authenticity of my worlds stability."

The three look at each other, and then the big guy gets up and comes over, and as he towers over me, I hope he won't hit me cause that would really hurt but he holds out his hand and says in a loud but slightly subdued voice "My name is Brian and I look forward to working with you." I look at his outstretched hand then at his face, and he looks both worried and hopeful, so I took his hand and give it a shake as I say welcome aboard. The other 2 look at each other and nod, then come and introduce themselves. The pretty boy is Varic, and the motherly looking woman is Amanda after introductions I give a general outline of my world and the system I created for it then take them to the world opening square to take them into my world.

Meanwhile, at the edge of this solar system.

As Admiral Shira looks at the sets of displays, he wonders how he can move forward as in front of his fleet is a monster wall. These monsters are strong enough to withstand bombardment from the latest magic cannons, and the dual magic-qi defense barrier can only withstand 3 of the monsters' most basic attacks we did however find that the monsters will not enter the solar system or to be more specific they will not get closer to the sun. To test the theory, we were able to drag one closer to the sun and it seems that the closer they get the faster they burn as that was the case we attempted fire magic and found only a fire equivalent to 50% of the sun's heat will do anything to them but it would also damage our equipment so that was shelved for the time being. We have tried every type of magic, and these monsters seem to have a resistance to all types. This includes space and time magic our qi warriors seem to cause greater damage, but unlike wizards, they can't stay in outer space for too long unless they have a domain but even so using the domain consumes way too much qi. We have also tried to warp past the wall only to find the monsters will pull the ship out of warp in the middle of the wall, and that's that we even tried things going from stealth to sending out signals or even dilapidating effects only to have the ship torn to pieces its just a good thing they were unmanned ships or the death toll would be staggering. Not to mention that you can't even see them when you get far enough away from them we are very lucky that we stopped at the edge of the solar system or we wouldn't have known how we died.

As I rack my brains, trying to find something, anything that could work, my communicator go's off, no, not the ships communicator the clans communicator talisman as I check who is calling I stand at attention when I see the name on the talisman and all I can think is "oh crap I'm so dead." Which is what you think when it's the clan patriarch and the freaking emperor calling most likely about the lack of progress.

I take a moment to compose myself and then open communications. "Hello, your majesty, how may...." I didn't finish because in a bored tone, the emperor said."In 20 minutes, our strongest Qi and magic users will be there as such you are relived." And that was it. Well nothing much for it now I tell my adjutant to gather all the data we have before they get here at least with this I shouldn't be demoted I hope as I see a large amount of portals opening the worst I could hope for is early retirement.