This is so much fun

Back on earth

With my new set of testers, we head to the world square to enter my world as we move. I try to explain my worlds power to them. "So what you're saying is that your world origins more like a game system." Varic notes as we enter the world square.

We find a kinda open spot kinda because there is one world portal to the right, and as we are about to head in, Richard walks out of the portal. Richard is a mix between a pretty boy and a Greek God, kinda a weird mix, but it works for him. Also, the reason he considers me his rival is I always got top marks in all subjects, and he is always a few points off he also considers himself the second coming of Ragnar Shira who was the first emperor of the world. Ragnar is something of a legend, but the only thing is he actually exists he took 100 years to take a small kingdom and turn it into a united world empire he still lives too but works more behind the scenes.

As Richard is about to start talking, I ignore him and walk into my world he can't follow, or he will be killed by my world's origin, the reason is 1 world origin will not let another invade its space let's say kinda like the human body fighting against a cold and such but more deadly. I turned to see the others walking in and pointed at a pedestal with a crystal hovering above it. "That is a wonder, and as I told you, all you have to do is register your home point on it, then you will be able to warp back, and if you die, you will be revived here with a reduction of 10% of your XP.

Varic's POV

My life has bin one big rollercoaster ride. At first, I was on top of the world, and I didn't have to worry about money. I had 8 girlfriends, one of which was from the Shira clan. Then we had our aptitudes tested, and now I'm working 2 jobs and doing manual labor in other people's worlds. Obviously, I continued my studies in college because I would get a better job or position after graduation, and I refuse to be a nobody.

This life is taking a toll on me, then Carrie comes back with an incomplete world master and tries to get us to go into his world no way that's a death sentence right there but then Brian agrees to go in and if Brian agrees then there is no problem he is great at sniffing out new opportunities so ya im in.

Brian's POV

All my life, I have been working since I was 6 years old. I have been helping my family on the family farm. The farm was a legacy of an ancestor of mine who was a Beastmaster cultivator he retired and bought the farm and left it to his decedent's us. But even so, I wanted something more. I wanted to be like my ancestor and leave something meaningful for the future, but life doesn't always go the way you want it even with the special ability I have I still can't get away from being an ordinary person of course with my special ability I could get a better job but I didn't want that so I remained in school for college I'm in the agriculture section as it will help with the farm

But one day, an opportunity came knocking in the form of a world master with an incomplete world, and I do mean opportunity I was able to sense that this could be a chance for great change so I went for it my power is never wrong so I'm looking forward to this.

Amanda's POV

I find it curious that I'm about to enter an incomplete world, though it is a chance at something better. I know Brian's power better than anyone, and I know that since he is confident, this will be a good thing. I mean, he is never wrong, and he is never on the losing side. As I enter the portal, I'm a little excited and, on the other side is like always another world. Yes, I know anticlimactic, but it looks nice. The wonder as Sorren calls it is pretty, and all that's left other than the portal and wonder are a few tents. I guess we can sort of live here for a bit. I also look at the status screen and pick crafter for my class. What can I say? I always did like arts and crafts.

Carrie's POV

As I click yes to make this wonder my home, I look at my status screen.


Player: Carrie

Class: Mage Trainee

Level: 0/10

XP: 0/5

Hp: 5/5

Mp: 8/8

Auto-Attack: magic missile: 5-10

Defense: 5

M. defense: 2

Strength: 3

Agility: 7

Endurance: 5

Intelligence: 8

Wisdom: 5

Luck: 4

Traits: None

Skills: None

Magic: [Fire Bolt] (mp 2) creates a small bolt of fire.

Weapon: [trainee magic wand (magic missile dps 1-2)]

Armor: [common shirt (defense 1)] [common pants (defense 1)] [common shoes (defense 1)]


I'm stunned even my clothes are added into it

I can't believe how detailed it all is. Varic is taking the Warrior trainee class. As we set out of the safe zone Sorren tells us he needs to go study what he is studying I don't know but I always wanted to be a Wizard so I'll go train and he can study what he wants.

We enter the grasslands and spot a rabbit? oh, but it has a horn. Well, it will do for some training. I conjure a fire bolt and throw it at the rabbit only to hit Varic in the back. As he jumps in front of the rabbit, he turns and tells me to watch where I throw those things as the rabbit rams into his back. Well, this is starting out a little messy, isn't it.

Back to Sorren

As I left my world, an ugly sight welcomed me. Richard was still there with his shit eating grin, I tried to walk past, but he stopped me and said "You know at the end of the year we will have a test and you are also expected to be there. The test requires you to have 3 of your people fight to see how far we have come as world masters. the one that gets first gets extra resources for college as well as a rank 5 master to help train them through college there are also prizes for 2nd and 3rd place oh and if you get last or forfeit you will lose your college admission so good luck." And with that, he turned back to his world portal and laughed till he went through. I know for a fact that the loss of college admittance was for only me so I didn't think much of it so I just went on my way beside I can optimize my world more as I study more so I decided it's time to get to work I have 3 months till test time and I damn well will make the most of it.