3 months of hard work

As I make my way to the library, I start pondering on the skills I should add to my world. I can't add much as my worlds power is still relatively weak, so I still have to study the martial skills and magic spells of the different worlds so I can have a better idea on what should be added.

As Sorren studies the ins and outs of skills and spells, Carrie and Varic are in the middle of the grasslands fighting monsters.

"Damn it, Carrie, stop hitting me with that damned fire spell it hurts."

"I'm sorry controlling the trajectory of the spell is hard when you jump in front of it, you know."

Damn it, he just keeps on jumping in front of me. I know he is supposed to keep the monsters from getting close to me, but really and not only that but because he keeps on doing that we have already died 5 times I'm starting to think it would be better to do this alone. But on second thought, he does make a good meat shield. As she has that thought, she noticed something shining near a tree as she walks over to look she sees a."Treasure."

"What Treasure were?"Varic yelled as he pushed me out of the way. I pushed back and went to see what I'll get from the treasure chest... it had 2 books. I looked at them and.


Magic: Snow ball

Slows target down


And then there was.


Martial skill: Cloud Step

Increase movement speed by 5%


Ok, yay, one magic spell and one martial skill, I think, as I hand Varic the skill book."Ok, shall we try this again."We start fighting monsters again, and because his movement speed is faster, I don't hit him anymore, go, team.

As the days turned to weeks and then it was past 3 months since starting in this world, Amanda has been enjoying herself she loves arts and crafts, and the last month has been a lot of fun.

As I sturd the stew, I glance to my right and look at the half finished wooden hut it just needs a roof and a door, and it will be done. It has been fun camping out, but having a real roof over ones head and a proper bed will do wonders for our moral. I looked to the left and watched Carrie and Varic training with the training dummies they finally got Sorren to make for them something about leveling up their skills I wasn't really paying attention as the jerky was done and needed to be put away. On a better note, we are all now making money and much more than all our old jobs combined as such. 5% of all our revenue goes to Sorren as we are making the money through his world. In the beginning, he paid us to get started, which is normal. Then, as we start to make money through selling products from his world, we need to pay him. Carrie and Varic sell the animal hides they get cause I don't know how to make leather from it. Brian sells the plants and fruits he gets from the forest and has also started a small farm. I don't know what he is growing yet, and I sell the accessories and jerky I make from what I get from Carrie and Varic's adventures. All in all, we are doing really good oh and Sorren is still studying.

As Amanda thinks wistful thoughts, Brian is in the woods looking for more herbs.

Ah, another Hypus herb alchemist, Wishera, will be pleased. I think iv gotten enough herbs for today's batch. I should probably head back, but I stop as I find a treasure chest good. Carrie and Varic will be pleased. I think I should also deal with the roof of our hut when I get back, as it will be nice to have a roof over our heads, you know, for moral support. When I turn to head back, I hear a howling looks like a pack of wolves are coming this way, so I back up into the bushes and activate my stealth I'm so glad that gatherers have this skill if I want to be honest I'm a pacifist I don't like hurting others even though I look rough as the wolves pass by I mark the way they are going I may be a pacifist but I still understand the law of the jungle and Carrie and Varic can get the hides to sell.

As Brian is heading back, Sorren is coming back from studying.

Alright, that should be everything. Iv studied the ins and outs of the different worlds and should be able to put things together in my world much more easily in any event my world works more on my imagination than anything else which is the same as any game all I have to do is think of something then implement it and we are all set. I hope Carrie and Varic are ready for the tournament. I'll just ask Amanda for a last-minute meal and hope the buff lasts until the end of the tournament. Also, I hope they do well or I'll never get into college.

As Sorren hopes for the best, Carrie is trying to max out all her skills and spells levels.

"Lightning bolt." As I call out the spell, a small bolt of lightning flies to the training dummy and squarely hits it on the head right where the eye would be ha this is great a little more and that will be all my spells maxed out. As I grin to myself, I look at Varic and see him dodge the training dummies attack, then use "Counter cut," a skill he got recently. He has taken a strong liking to swordsmenship whether he's good or not still remains to be seen in my opinion."Alright, I'm taking a break."At my words, Varic just made a shooing motion, and at that, I just roll my eyes as I go to Amanda for a snack.

Another day comes and goes. On the day of the tournament, everyone looks ready. After a great meal, we all leave for the tournament grounds. Even though 3 people can participate, only Carrie and Varic are going to participate. As we get to the area where the tournament will be, we run into Richard and his people. "Well, well, well, if it isn't Sorren and his fighters good luck, you're going to need it. Oh, and by the way, may I introduce you to my new girlfriend, Lillibeth Shira."At his introduction, a very beautiful woman with black hair and green eyes with an hourglass figure walks forward.

"Hello, I'm Lillibeth Shira, and my clan has high expectations for Richard."She says as she narrowed her eyes at me. It's easy to figure out her, narrowing her eyes at me is her way to say, unlike you to me so I raised my hand in a hi gesture and walked past I have no interest in getting into an I'm better than you fight with these numbskulls I have better things to do.

As Sorren and the others walk away, Lillibeth was first surprised, and then she got angry, but before she could go after them, Richard caught her and said."Don't it will be better to go after them when we are the winners of this tournament."Well, he makes sense.

"Fine, they can leave, but after this tournament, I'm going to give them a piece of my mind."