
After getting away from Richard and his people, Carrie and Varic made their way to the participants' lounge while Sorren, Brian, and Amanda went to the stadium to find a seat.

As I take my seat, I do wonder if Carrie and Varic will do ok. I know they have been training hard after they heard about the tournament, and we have done our best to help them prepare. I guess all I can do now is hope for the best. As I think this, the first fight is called up, and it looks like Carrie is up first, and her opponent is one of Richard's people. Hmm, I think they are hoping to get rid of me right away by having both my participants dealt with on the first 2 fights. Well then, all I can do now is watch you do your best, Carrie.

As the first 2 participants make their way to the arena, there are masters and college supervisors looking on in anticipation. Will there be a genius in this school, or will it just be a normal set of rounds, but they have been told that one of the world masters in this batch has an immortal cultivation world so they are eager to see this for themselves.

It looks like I'm up first. I'll start by seeing what he can do before I try anything flashy.

As the fight starts, one of the magic masters is startled."My God, did you all see that she used barrier magic without casting or even an incantation."

"Yes, he's right. Did she use it as an instant cast that's impressive and not only that, but she is also using the magic bullet spell instantly and continuously."

However, a martial master also adds."It's not only that, but she has also had combat practice look how she's dodging the big attacks but letting the weaker ones hit the barrier and look at her eyes they haven't left her opponents eyes once as such she can tell when a big attack is coming."

As the masters discussed the fight or, more accurately, gush over Carrie's performance, the crowd is cheering for their favorites.

"Oh, common, why haven't you beaten her yet."Lillibeth listened to this for the 5th time already, but that isn't her concern. What concerns her is that the man Richard said would win against Carrie in seconds is running around trying not to get hit or thrown off the arena as such she is now wondering if her father's prediction about Richard may be wrong and that is a feat considering her father is an expert in prediction and hasn't been wrong yet key word here is "yet" and now the winner of the first fight is Carrie and she only used 2 spells to win Lillibeth is very unhappy about all this if Richard doesn't get first place then her work on getting close to him would be worthless but there is a silver lining. Wasn't Carrie supposed to be an ordinary person just like her, and if that is the case, then Sorren has a way to help ordinary people to become extraordinary. As she thinks this, a smile crosses her lips.

After Carrie won next up, was you guessed it Varic obviously they were hoping to get rid of me fast then find the winner in the rest of the contestants however I now have some confidence in winning.

As Varic arrives on stage, his opponent is already there, and this match-up is skewed. Varic has his normal clothes and his training sword while his opponent has a full set of expensive gear even the spear he's holding is shining, but even so Varic just sets up to start and when the bell rings he rushed in.

The masters in the VIP seating were discussing the fight.

"This is definitely an unfair fight look at this boys' opponent fully equipped with tier 1 equipment."

"Hah, he may be fully equipped, but you should open your eyes, dose it look like he's losing?"After that question was asked, all the masters take a good long look.

"He's right. The boy may be woefully ill-equipped, but he is dominating the fight. I mean, look at his martial arts they are all mortal grades, but he has no doubt gotten them all to unity. What a genius."

"It is impressive that he has done so, and is that sword Qi, I see?"

"No, it isn't, though. I'm not surprised you think so he is know doubt at the sword sensing level, which is at the beginning of sensing sword Qi."

"Impressive indeed and look, every strike hits the opponent in a sensitive spot. I mean, look at that."This master says as Varic lunges for his opponents throat.

As the masters discuss the fight ends, Varic won. As such, the fights continued. Carrie wowed everyone with her minimalist technique while Varic went for flashy he even had fireworks though were he got them from Sorren, didn't know, and had no interest in asking."Showoff."After Amanda said that Sorren started sputtering as when you try to drink and laugh well, that kinda happens. Brian, on the other hand, is stonefaced and eating chips, but if you looked into his eyes, you'd tell that he's laughing on the inside. As the fights went on, a theme started to come up. All those participating were no match for ither Carrie or Varic as such in the finals it became a match between those 2.

As the finals are being fought, Lillibeth is in one of the hallways talking to her father."Papa, I thought you said Richard was to be the one we need to get in touch with, but look, none of his fighters got into the top 10. What's going on?"

"Hmm, something doesn't seem right here the top 2. Who's worlds are they from?"

"They are from the same world, and the world master is named Sorren his world is also an incomplete world."

"What really well ok give me a moment."He says as he starts to use his prediction powers. What comes back to him makes him take a moment to think."Sigh, what I said before wasn't wrong. Richard will become a pillar of the race."

"But papa..."

"Let me finish. He will become a pillar of the race, but his rival Sorren will become the driving force of a new age. As such, it would also be good for us to pull him in as well, and my dear, it would be better for you to enter his world as your dream will then become a reality."

"No way you're saying I will be able to become a mage just like Mama?"

"Yes, and a very powerful one, too."As he says that suddenly, a loud cheer sounds throughout the hallway."Heh, looks like the finals are over. I should also make sure my brother is aware of this, too."

As the cheering sounds, Richard is heading to his teams waiting room, and boy is he pissed. When he reaches the door, BAM he smashes the door inward.

"What the hell was that pathetic performance? I train you to be the best and get you all tier 1 armor and weapons, and you can't even make it to the top 10. You are all rubbish."

"Sir, we did our best..."

"Oh wa, we did our best. I don't want excuses. I want results."Richard's yelling can be heard in the halls, and his 3 fighters don't know what to say anymore."You 3 are bared from ever setting foot back in my world."As Richard starts to turn to leave, 1 of his fighters grabbed him by the arm and turned him back.

"You can't do that. You have an agreement with our clans, and if you do this, we will be sure to have you explain this to our patriarchs."

"You think I care after that pathetic performance I..."He never finished as Lillibeth Shira entered the room.

"Richard, you can consider us over."After saying that, she turned and left Richard's fighters looked at each other awkwardly.