Ashley enters

After the prizes were given out, Sorren and the others left the stands, but it looked like Carrie and Varic would be busy for some time, so they went back to Sorrens world.

"I'm telling you the truth. I am an ordinary person. All you have to do is check my information on my school files."As I say that for the 5th time, I'm wondering if anyone is even listening.

"She's right. I've just taken a look, and they are both ordinary people."As a master says that the entire group of people exploded.

"How can that be possible?"

"Ya, everyone knows ordinary people can't cultivate."After that was said, everyone calmed down and just looked at us. Obviously, they wanted an explanation, so I told them everything from Sorrens incomplete world to how one gets stronger in the world and the skills and spells as I explained there eyes got bigger and by the time I finished you could put a goose egg in there mouths by the way they were acting you'd think I told them I was actually a man. But 1 of them finally came back to reality.

"Are you saying that someone finally found out how to utilize an incomplete world?"This question brought everyone back, but no one said anything cause they wanted to hear the answer.

"I don't know if he has found out all the ways to utilize such a world, but I do know that you all can't disagree with the results in front of your eyes."

The masters look at each other and can't help but feel strange that none of them could figure out how to do this, but a youngster that just awakened could figure they also feel a little embarrassed. As the masters start to walk away, giving Carrie and Varic a way to leave now that the masters are satisfied with their answers, a young woman walks over to them.

"May I have a moment of your time?"

Amanda POV

As Brian and I near the portal square, there are a lot of people at the entrance and at the head of the group is a tall, umm very tall, ok she is a fucking amazon with muscles as well as a massive height. Well, we get near, and Brian walks up to the woman it's amazing that the top of this woman's head hits Brian's nose.

"Ashley, what are you doing here?"

So he knows the Amazonian woman, I think.

"Well, big brother, I heard you found a great world to work in, and I just thought I'd try my luck."

Ok, it's not a big surprise she is Brian's sister she's got the height for it and considering the fact that they grew up on a farm it's ez to tell were the muscles came from.

Ashley POV

Hay people, I'm Ashley, but everyone calls me Ash except for Brian he insists on calling me Ashley because it's my name, he says. Que eye roll here. In any event, I got good news I had my awakening ceremony this year, and I have animal speaker talent yay. Ya, not really. Even though it was the talent my ancient ancestor had, I really wasn't happy about it. My family was over the moon, though, like my mother wouldn't stop crying tears of joy, she said. Que throw up sounds here. I also did a bit of studying. This talent is not that great, and anyways I want to be a warrior, not an animal speaker, so I have been wondering what to do, and then my brother enters an incomplete world who even dose that anymore but wait the weird starts here and that is he brings out materials and sells it for money and I mean good money for some reason the materials are better than what is currently on the market and when I decide to ask questions his 2 friends that entered the incomplete world with him win the combat competition which also decides both the world masters grades for this year but also has university recruiters watching so guess what grade Serren got as such im now here in his world getting the world's settings explained to me.

"Are you fucking kidding me?"

When Amanda started to stutter I said.

"Cause this is fucking awesome."

Alright warrior trainee and that Crystal like wonder thing here I come. I Ashley Cromtell will be the greatest warrior in history.

Brian POV

At this moment, I'm holding my head in my hands as I watch my little sister skip to the wonder to register herself, then run into the wilds. God at least open the starter pack or are you going to kill the monsters with your fists which is entirely possible considering her preference of bullying the bullys they even once tried to gang up on her only to be beaten black and blue she has got to be the wildest person in existence. Oh well, I'll just get back to the old grindstone. The lumber from here goes for a good rate, something about being sturdier than other types. Well, that's good news for me. I'll make more money that way.

Back to Sorren

After picking up a few things, I head back to the portal square. I have a lot more money now. Carrie and the others have been paying me for a while now, which is good as that means they are making money too, so things are working out well for us. As I pass the library, I get a call from Carrie.

"Hello, what's up?"

"Hay Sorren, are you busy right now?"

"Nope, on my way back to the portal. Why?"

"Well, someone wants to talk to you. We are at your portal, so we'll wait here for you, ok?"

"Ya shur see you soon."

After I hang up, I wonder who it is, but then I run into an annoyance. It's Richard.

"Finally decided to go back to your portal, did ya."

"I don't remember being required to answer to you."

He seems angry or angrier than normal. However, he puts his anger away and tells me the message he was told to convey.

"Our teacher told me to tell you that you are required to come to class tomorrow. There I told you whether you come or not is not my problem."

After that, he stomped away. I guess I'm going to class tomorrow.