This is weird

As I reach the portal square, I find that the entrance is blocked by a massive number of people but I'm a world master so I should be able to get through but the moment I try I'm pulled back by 2 strong men that proceed to tell me to wait in line and as I'm about to tell them I'm a world master I look around and see a few world masters in line even Richard is standing in line though he looks pissed. Wow today is such a lovely day Richard looks like he's gonna try his luck against 3 big strong guys that look like they can pick him up and throw him a few blocks away how I wish I had popcorn and pop for what looks like entertainment he is holding himself back really well though. In any event, I should call Carrie and tell her I'll be a bit late. She says she can see the line and doesn't blame me for being a little late. The princess is understanding too, so all should be well.

Lillibeth POV

I'm completely blown away by the size of the line to get into Sorrens world it completely surpasses all those going into other worlds by a factor of 1 million at least ok maby an over exaggeration but still that's alot of people. The only reason I'm not saying anything about Sorren being late in getting here is because of the line but anyway I just talk to Carrie about different things while waiting especially about Sorrens world and the more i learned the more surprised i became. You can use an incomplete world like that i think Wow. As the line continues to move Richard finally gets into the square and the moment he sees me he march's right over.

"Lillibeth what the hell is this?"

What a stupid question really I think.

"You remember the first thing I told you when we met right Richard?"

Now he stops and starts to think no wonder I smell smoke.

"I told you the moment we met that I'm only doing what my father ordered me to do that includes becoming your girlfriend but my father's orders have changed and so to does the situation so we are no longer dating and my father will send someone else to talk to you now beat it."

He looks at me with what looks like hatred in his eyes and opens his mouth to say something when someone behind him smacks him in the head. In fury he turns and looks like he will explode only to wilt. As I look behind him I see a woman with Richard's looks but feminine with extreme anger on her face.

"Look at you I turn my back on you for one second and I see you here harassing poor Carrie and her friend and if you think I'm just going to let this go then your dead wrong Mister." Then she grabbed his left ear and twisted while walking away.

"Um who was that?"

"Oh that was just Primrose. Richard's elder sister she is a really nice person you would love her."

Oh I say as I watch her drag Richard away by the ear. Well we all have people we can't fight against.

Back to Sorren

As I finally get into the world square I look towards my world only to find out that is were the line is going.

"Well shit." I say as I now know I'm truly stuck. Then I see Carrie talking to Lillibeth so I head over.

"Hello ladies so what can I help you with?"

As I head right into the conversation Lillibeth smiles and starts off.

"Hello again Sorren actually my father is Sattos Shira the Prophet and he has seen your future achievements and well he has sent me to get closer to you."

"Is that really something you should tell me what if I say I want nothing to do with you."

"I'm merely here as a courtesy and my getting closer to you is the same but if you do do such a thing then my father will get secretive about it."

Oh great I can just see people hiding in the shadows now well whatever I don't mind her sticking around it's not like it really matters anyway. I just nod my head and head into my world as Carrie turns to Lillibeth and says "welcome to the family." Huh when did we become a family I wonder.

In outer space near the monster wall.

After Moriarty Shira took over from Admiral Warest he went about putting a plan together to capture or at the least aquire a corpse of the monster in the monster wall. I had high hopes that with our best on it we would get excellent results however the results were devastating all combatants were hurt to various degrees 20 of the 50 qi warriors were killed in action as well as 35 of the 100 mages and to top it off over 500 of the empires most sophisticated warships were also destroyed that amounts to over 5 million ordinary citizens as casualties and if that wasn't bad enough when we finally killed one of the monsters the others lunged out of the wall and dragged the corpse back in and eaten it all we got to show for our troubles was 20 vials of blood. I sent the vials to the research ships in hope of getting something out of this but now I must report everything to the emperor in the worst-case scenario I could be executed for all this.

As Moriarty's face falls farther a message comes through from one of the research ships in hope of something to save his life he opens the report and reads and as he reads farther his face lightens until he is practically smiling this could just save his life and a little more as he thinks of how he can make this an achievement rather then his current problem he starts writing his report to the emperor.