Chapter 4: A Long Road Ahead

His left arm was slowly becoming soaked with blood, staining his previously spotless white shirt.


Jiang Yan panicked. She got up ignoring the needle attached to her, reaching him. Feng Yansheng was startled by her behaviour. Before he could stop her, she was already holding his left arm. She swiftly folded up his sleeves, revealing his injuries that were clumsily wrapped with gauze.


"How did this happen? Are you okay?" she asks in a worried tone.


Feng Yuansheng shrugs her off. "It's just a scratch," he says in a cold tone.


Jiang Yan can sense the domineering personality of Feng Yuansheng and knows that he's not the type of person to talk much. Jiang Yan flares, gripping his arm tightly again, this time surprising Feng Yuansheng with her strength.


Without hesitation, Jiang Yan shouts for the doctor, fully aware that Feng Yuansheng won't even care about this "Scratch".


The doctor was trembling while redressing his wounds. He could clearly feel the tension in the room. Once he finished, he cautioned, "Sir, just avoid getting your injuries wet."


Feng Yuansheng grunts in response while glaring at Jiang Yan, who was equally glaring back with her arms folded.


The doctor swiftly left the room, narrowly avoiding the crossfire that was going to start at any moment.


Feng Yuansheng continue to glare at her when he heard a knock.


"Come in"


Li Ming, Feng Yuansheng's loyal secretary, came and bowed, "Boss, the Chopper is ready."


Feng Yuansheng took one last look at Jiang Yan, who was still looking back at him angrily.


'𝘞𝘩𝘺 𝘥𝘰𝘦𝘴 𝘴𝘩𝘦 𝘭𝘰𝘰𝘬 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘢 𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘭𝘦 𝘬𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘯?'


Feng Yuansheng quickly dismisses his crazy thoughts and left the room, with his secretary, Li Ming following suit after bowing courteously to Jiang Yan.


As soon as they both leaves, Jiang Yan inhales deeply, still feeling the chill from Feng Yuansheng's icy glare. She sat back on her bed. If not for him saving her from those kidnappers and the life debt from her past life, she would never have given him a second glance.


Grateful for his help, she silently made a solemn vow to repay her debts to him. However, this time she was determined not to make the same mistake again. She would keep her distance from Feng Yuansheng. Despite him coming to save her before her death in her previous life, it couldn't change the fact that he never loved her.


Jiang Yan knew she had been given a second chance at life, and she wasn't about to waste it. As she tried to process her situation, her top priority was to ensure the safety of her people at all costs and seek retribution for those responsible for her and her people's death in her past life. And to do that she needs to rebuild her empire, this time more stronger. Only then can she be powerful enough to protect her people.


And for now, she needs to take care of her grandmother.



After being discharged by the doctor a few hours later, Jiang Yan immediately made her way to her grandmother's room. Her grandmother was sleeping peacefully, but the bruises on her body spoke of the pain she had endured for her. Jiang Yan sat down beside her and was overcome with emotion.


"Grandma Liu," she whispered, her voice cracking. "I'm here now, and I promise I'll take care of you. You've done so much for me, and it's my turn to repay you. Please, rest and get better. We have a lot to catch up on when you wake up."


Tears streamed down Jiang Yan's face as she continued to hold her grandmother's hand. She knew it was a long road ahead, but she was determined to do whatever it took to make sure her grandmother was safe and healthy.


It was her grandmother who had taken care of her for the past 14 years before the Jiang family had found her, and now it was her turn to take care of the woman who had shown her so much love and kindness.


Jiang Yan had always wondered about her past. She had no recollection of how she ended up with her grandmother when she was barely 3 years old. All she knew was that she was lost, and this grandmother had taken her in.


But as she grew older, she began to doubt the story she had been told. Given the Jiang family's high standing in society, it seemed unlikely that they would have lost her and been unable to locate her. She couldn't help but wonder if there was something more to her past than what she had been told.


After spending some time with her grandmother, Jiang Yan knew it was time to take care of some important matters.


"Excuse me," she said as she called for the attention of the medical staff. "Could you please keep an eye on my grandmother? I need to go and get some things for her," she said.


"Of course, Miss Jiang. I'll make sure she's comfortable and well taken care of," the nurse replied.


Jiang Yan nodded her thanks before turning to her grandmother. "I'll be back soon, Nai Nai. I'm just going to get you some clothes and a few things from home."


Her grandmother remained sleeping, but Jiang Yan took comfort in the fact that she could be there for her. The doctor had already informed her about her grandmother's condition, and she needed to be kept under observation for at least a week.


Exiting the hospital room, Jiang Yan strode purposefully towards the exit. While she intended to remain by her grandmother's side until she made a full recovery, there were other matters that demanded her attention.


First and foremost, she needed to handle the situation at her grandmother's home and ensure everything was taken care of. And then there was the matter of her foster sister, who had schemed against her. Jiang Yan couldn't let that go unchecked and intended to teach her a lesson.


Feng Yuansheng was sitting on a comfortable leather chair, surrounded by stacks of files and documents. He was engrossed in his work, but his eyes kept flickering towards the bed where his nephew, Yun Cheng, lay in deep slumber.


The Imperial Crown Hospital V-VIP room was adorned with luxurious furnishings that seemed to befit a king. The plush carpet beneath Feng Yuansheng's feet was so thick it felt like walking on clouds. The room was filled with natural light, which streamed in from the floor-to-ceiling windows that overlooked the city skyline. The room was so peaceful that one could almost forget they were in a hospital.


After getting out of the village, under Feng Yuansheng's order, his secretary Li Ming quickly made arrangements without alerting the media. The Imperial Crown Hospital was one of the top Hospitals of the country with the best treatment and was renowned for providing the top medical care to the elite of society. But more than the top-notch treatment, the hospital's security and the privacy of its patients were unparalleled. It was common knowledge that even the paparazzi wouldn't be able to get a peek at a VIP patient's room, let alone barge in unannounced.


Feng Yuansheng sat in the corner of the room, his eyes glued to his files, while also sometimes peeking at his nephew, Yun Cheng, who lay motionless on the bed. The machines beeped rhythmically in the background, the only sound in the room.


As he worked on his files, his phone rang. He answered it without looking at the caller ID.


"Speak," he said coldly.


"Third B-brother, I'm so sorry. I couldn't keep an eye on Yun Cheng and he went missing," Feng Yiming's voice trembled as he spoke. Feng Yiming was the youngest sibling in the Feng family and was known for his carefree nature and mischievous tendencies. Despite being in his early twenties, he often acted like a child, much to his older brother's annoyance.


"Third Brother, I tried to keep an eye on Yun Cheng, but he was faster than my reflexes," Feng Yiming said with exasperation. "It's like he's part ninja or something. One minute he was there, and the next he vanished into thin air. I swear, I looked away for only one second!"


Feng Yuansheng's expression turned even colder. "Do you realise how much trouble you've caused me?"


"I'm sorry, brother. I promise it won't happen again," Feng Yiming pleaded, kneeling in his room.


Just as Feng Yiming finish talking, he heard a sudden knock on his door, causing him to jump in fright. Cautiously, he approached the door and opened it a tiny crack, peering out with uneasiness. To his relief, he found their housekeeper Uncle Wang standing there, holding an envelope in his hand. With shaking hands, Feng Yiming accepted the envelope, feeling a sense of foreboding as he pried it open and looked inside. The contents of the envelope were so devastating that he felt like bursting into tears.


"Third Brother, why are you sending me to Country S?!" Feng Yiming panicked.


Feng Yuansheng's expression was cold and emotionless. "You are needed there to supervise the new branch for the next three months," he said finally, his tone firm and unwavering.


"But I have work to do here, and I don't even know anyone in Country S!" Feng Yiming protested.


"You should have thought of that before you let Yun Cheng be in danger." Feng Yuansheng said sharply before cutting the call.


"Hello? Third brother? BROTHER???"


"Fourth Master Feng, your car is ready." Uncle Wang informed.


Feng Yiming plopped onto the floor like a deflated balloon, his limbs spread out like a starfish. "Why does life have to be so hard?" he moaned dramatically, making Uncle Wang roll his eyes.




# Nai Nai: Grandmother