Chapter 5: Aunt Lin and Ning Yue

As soon as Jiang Yan reached the house, she could hear the excited voice of her foster sister Ning Yue and her foster Aunt Lin. They were sitting in the living room, counting their newly acquired wealth. Ning Yue and Aunt Lin were giggling at their fortune, while discussing their plans for the future.


Ning Yue's eyes sparkled with excitement as she spoke, "Mom, can you believe we're finally going to leave this place? We'll have everything we ever wanted in the city!"


Aunt Lin nodded in agreement, a smug smile playing on her lips. "Yes, my dear. And we have Jiang Yan to thank for it. She fell right into our trap."


Ning Yue grinned, "It was so easy to convince her to go into the forest and get kidnapped. And the kidnappers have promised to keep her for five whole days and torture her. That should teach her a lesson for getting in our way."


Aunt Lin chuckled, "That's right. She'll never try to stop us again for taking your grandmother's money. And anyway, it always belongs to us. But we can't let her ruin our plans. We need to make sure nobody suspects anything."


"But Mom who was that rich old lady? She was wiiling to spending so much money just to ruin Jiang Yan?" Ning Yue asked, confused.


"Aiyoo, don't you know that Jiang Yan is a child of a mistress? Who can tolerate such disgusting kid at their home. It must be someone from the family." Aunt Lin gloated at Jiang Yan's misfortune.


"Anyway, why are you thinking about that, just complete the task that lady gave you, we can't let them take these money back because we didn't complete the last part of the plan." Aunt Lin carefully said to Ning Yue.


Jealousy consumed Ning Yue as she thought about Jiang Yan. Initially, she had been envious of the attention that Jiang Yan received from her grandmother, despite being a random child who depended on their family's kindness. On top of that, Jiang Yan was strikingly beautiful, making Ning Yue feel even more inadequate. And now, to add insult to injury, Jiang Yan turned out to be the daughter of a wealthy family. The depth of her jealousy was almost unbearable.


Ning Yue felt a sense of satisfaction seeing Jiang Yan fall for their plan. After all the years of pain that Jiang Yan had caused her, it was a relief to finally see her suffer.


"I will make sure to tell everyone that Jiang Yan ran away with some wild men and is spending her nights with them. That should ruin her reputation in the village. And that rich old lady who gave us this money, she also told me to make sure that Jiang Yan reputation is thoroughly ruined." Ning Yue was happy to ruin Jiang Yan further.


Aunt Lin nodded in approval, "Good. That will give us enough time to leave this place before anyone starts asking questions. That kind lady also offered a job for your father on completion of this task. After he comes back tomorrow and I will give him this good news." Aunt Lin cheered.


While they were clebrating their small victory, little did they know that Jiang Yan had heard their entire conversation. Her aura grew even stronger as she realized the true nature of her foster family. But she knew that she had to bide her time and wait for the right moment to strike back.


Rich old Lady? Jiang Yan could easily guess who were they talking about. Her eyes turn cold as she realised this conspiracy. Though in her past life she had some doubts, but as soon as she came back to the Jiang Family, she was asked to leave and stay overseas. Obviously, she refused at first, and even her Grandfather Jiang was strictly against her leaving the house.


However, Old Madam Jiang was adamant and threatened to stay hungry if Jiang Yan was not kicked out. To Old Madam Jiang, Jiang Yan was nothing more than a wild child born to a maid, and her kidnapping added a stain to the reputation of the prestigious Jiang Family. After that Jiang Yan was also not interested to stay in that house anymore, so she left with the little money Grandfather Jiang managed to give her.


She was too busy studying, and making her career overseas, that she didn't investigate the matter of her kidnapping back then.


Jiang Yan entered the house and Aunt Lin and Ning Yue were startled to see her. They were both thinking, how did Jiang Yan escape the kidnappers? Aunt Lin was quick to compose herself and put on a fake smile.


"Well, well, well, look who's back," Aunt Lin said sarcastically. "We were just thinking about you. Running around and not coming back home? Within a year of going back to the Jiang Family, you have already started with your wild ways."


Jiang Yan kept a straight face and replied, "Why? Did I ruin your plans?"


Aunt Lin and Ning Yue felt a bit uneasy with her sharp reply but they still can't let her ruin their plans. Anyway, they only had to let her get kidnapped and they completed their task well. It was the kidnappers who were lousy and let Jiang Yan escape.


Ning Yue sneered, "What could you possibly ruin other than our moods? By the way, where have you been? Wandering around this late at night." In the village, it was not considered appropriate for women to be out after 6 pm, especially without a valid reason. Furthermore, it was already past lunchtime.


Jiang Yan dangerously looked at Ning Yue, folding her hands. Ning Yue gulped nervously, 'Did she know about our plan?'


"Why are you staring at me like that?" Ning Yue asked, angrily.


Jiang Yan's eyes flashed but she kept her cool. "I don't think that's any of your business." Right now she is not in the mood to expose them both. She will have her sweet little revenge later.


Aunt Lin raised her voice, "You ungrateful brat! Don't forget that have lived under our roof and eaten our food!"


Jiang Yan stood tall, "I may have lived under your roof, but don't forget that it was not your money that was spent but Grandma Lui's."


Aunt Lin seethed with anger. This troublesome brat had been a thorn in her side for the past 14 years, and now she was even talking back to her. Initially, she had suspected that Jiang Yan was her husband's illegitimate child, and her mother-in-law Madam Lui had claimed to have adopted her to protect the family's reputation.


But Aunt Lin never believed her mother-in-law's story. Why would that old lady suddenly adopt a child from the street for no reason, especially when they were not that wealthy? Even Ning Yaolan, her husband, had been kind to Jiang Yan, further fuelling her suspicions.


It was only last year that Aunt Lin discovered the truth: Jiang Yan was indeed an illegitimate child, but from the Jiang Family, a wealthy and powerful family in the city. This revelation somewhat improved her feelings toward her husband, but it also filled her with envy. The girl who had been working as a servant in her house turned out to be a princess from a wealthy family. How could she not be jealous of that?


Jiang Yan silently made her way to her room, grabbing all the belongings that she had brought with her to stay in the village. As she finished, she went to Grandma Lui's room to gather some of her grandmother's clothes and belongings that she might need in the hospital. Suddenly, Aunt Lin barged into the room, her eyes filled with fury.


"What are you doing?" she screamed. "You have no right to take anything from here!"


Jiang Yan didn't bother with her and was silently packing the clothes her grandmother might need. She knew even if she tried explaining anything, Aunt Lin wouldn't listen.


Aunt Lin tried to stop Jiang Yan, but Jiang Yan pushed her away. Aunt Lin was no match for Jiang Yan's strength. She was very angry at the moment. Instead, she signalled Ning Yue and they both ran out of their home shouting.


"Jiang Yan you ungrateful brat. We raised you for nothing. Not only you didn't respect us after returning back to your family, but you are also stealing from our house." Aunt Lin shouted, deliberately to get the attention of the village.


Aunt Lin cried out in frustration, "Why did my mother-in-law bring such an ungrateful child into our home? She's so disrespectful, staying out late at night and ruining her own reputation. And now she's even tarnishing our daughter's reputation with her behaviour!" She pretended to be a caring aunt, feigning concern for Jiang Yan.


Ning Yue chimed in, "Mother, please don't cry. Jiang Yan is wealthy now, and she is just trying to show off her power in our home. Once she is satisfied, she will leave us alone. There is no need to get angry with her. Just focus on taking care of your own health."


Her shouting could be heard throughout the village, and soon a crowd gathered outside the house.