Are you still in contact? [1]

A cold wind was blowing out of the north, and it made the trees rustle like living things.

The darkness that nestled in the blowing leaves and the increasingly hard-to-see surroundings were unsettling, a contrast to the stunningly beautiful scenery throughout the day.

"Hey, Amanda, where are we going?" Kevin had to squint his eyes and focus to not trip on the branches and vines.

"I have no idea. I'm just walking," Amanda was all smiles, her eyes curving upward like a crescent moon. Her steps were so fast that Kevin felt like he was being dragged by a motorcycle.

"Amanda, slow down. This place looks creepy."

"Tsk, why are you so slow?" She stopped and looked back. However, her sudden, abrupt halt in movement caused Kevin to fall forward, using his hand to support his body from kissing the dirt.

"What are you doing?"