Are you still in contact? [2]

After an unidentified period of silence, Amanda got bored.

 "By the way, for how long are we going to walk? I think we left the key to the room behind."

"Just a bit more; there is a small pond nearby. I saw it when we were in the car."

"Okay," Kevin panted heavily and wiped his sweat.

Amanda's lips parted, and she started to sing out loud, "I spent my life in fog and mud, and today I wonder who I was~♫

A star or a child lost in the crowd~♫

I feel lost, someone please tell me who I am~♫

I feel so lost is anyone out there to tell me what I was born to do?~♫

Like a lonely ship drifting in the sea~♪♫

I had today lost a part of me~♫

And that's all that I can remember from the song."

"Wow, you're unsurprisingly tone-deaf." Kevin commented, "Don't sing again, you're an embarrassment to all respected singers out there."
