Troublesome children

"Haaa, go to sleep." Ryan stared expressionlessly as the children, who had arrived at the castle long ago, insisted Ryan put them to sleep.

The journey from the stadium back to the castle took less than half an hour, and thirty minutes passed, and they still wouldn't sleep.

Several pairs of hands wrapped around Ryan's arm tightly. However, he could shake them off without much resistance.

'Should I pretend to be in pain so they would let me go?' he asked himself for a second. He pondered over the matter and decided to give it a try.


"Hmm_" Several 'wanted to pretend to be angry' pairs of eyes stared at him, glaring so hard that their eyes started to tear up.

They continued to stare, but Ryan didn't blink and didn't plan to.

After three seconds max, they all blinked away tired tears.

"Sleep, I need to go get treatment." He said.