To make him stronger

While Ryan was fast asleep, turmoil was brewing in the heart of the city.


"President Andrew must be jumping for joy right now." Adis watched the lively atmosphere in the capital's streets from inside a pitch-black room; the outside festive lights failed to give it the colors it lost.

Behind him, Amelia was fast asleep on a twin-sized bed, snoring louder than an earthquake, as if she hadn't been hurt not long ago. Her drool soaking wet her pillow as she uncomfortably shifted her position.

Besides him, the Seer lay unconscious, having his robotic eye lost, revealing the mechanical structure underneath.

On the opposite side was a man who scared away the colors of his surroundings, with utterly undetectable facial features adorning his face.

The man was from top to bottom, a representation of a darkness deeper than the bottomless abyss.