Chaos in Wang Family! (1)

While high school love was blossoming elsewhere, another peculiar scene unfolded inside the Wang Family villa.

Wang Haoran, his hands and face covered in bandages, bore the unmistakable signs of a vicious fight.

His once-handsome face was now swollen beyond recognition, but the saving grace was that his hands and feet remained intact.

After several agonizing days of healing, he was finally able to regain some semblance of normalcy.

"Young master, why do you continue to obsess over that woman? Your persistence is bound to draw your father's wrath.

We have already procured another woman, far more alluring than Lin Ruoxi!" exclaimed the slightly old and wrinkled maid, her voice filled with genuine concern.

She had been a pillar of support for Wang Haoran ever since the tragic demise of his mother.