Chaos in Wang Family (2)

Inside a dimly lit room, the feeble figure of an elderly man lay surrounded by a somber gathering of individuals. His body was frail and sickly, conveying a sense of vulnerability.

A trace of blood marked his clothes, hinting at recent coughing fits that had taken a toll on his weakened form.

Standing beside him, Wang Zheng, his hair now sprinkled with traces of grey, possessed a sturdy and well-defined physique. He engaged in a serious discussion with a younger man, their expressions reflecting the gravity of the situation.

"Doctor Tang, is there nothing we can do to improve our father's condition?" Wang Zheng's voice echoed with desperation.

Tang Dexin sighed sadly and shook his head. "I have thoroughly examined Patriarch Wang's body, but there are no visible abnormalities. It's possible he has contracted an unknown illness that eludes our current detection methods," he announced, his words casting a solemn atmosphere over the room.