Today's Menu: Daughter and mother sandwitch?

Wang Xiaoying's voice pierced the air, laced with determination, "Leave me alone!"

Mo Chen's eyes widened in astonishment as he watched Wang Xiaoying sprint towards Zhang Wei and the others.

They hurriedly made their way into her grandfather's room, and she firmly shut the door behind them.


The butler, who had been accompanying them, remained outside and stood guard, preventing Mo Chen from entering. "Don't go inside until you are called," he commanded with a stern voice.

"But I am with them—!" Mo Chen protested, attempting to assert his right to entry.

The butler's stern gaze hardened further, his tone unyielding, "Your presence is not requested at the moment. Wait patiently."

Frustration and helplessness mingled in Mo Chen's expression as he realized his efforts were futile.

He let out a defeated sigh, acknowledging the unyielding circumstances.