Martial Artist?

Wang Zheng, "Doctor Zhang, why are you targeting our daughter? Just because you healed our father last time doesn't mean we'll hand our precious daughter over to you!"

In Wang Zheng's eyes, Zhang Wei needed to be stopped.

He must protect his daughter from falling into his perceived evil clutches.

If Zhang Wei knew how they were evaluating him, he'd undoubtedly beat each and every one of them.

He was drawn to beauty, regardless of age; the more youthful, the better.

"Oh, that's fine. It's your daughter's choice whether to be with me or not. Stop butting into her personal life," Zhang Wei remarked, his tone carrying a hint of indifference.


Xiong Mei, who had been silent, couldn't help but internally chuckle.

She didn't quite believe that Zhang Wei would apply these words to his own life, but his ability to effortlessly utter them in this context was both amusing and impressive.