Brother's Too Domineering! Abducted the bride!

"How are you holding up?" Zhang Wei inquired, casually joining Xiong Mei.

She sighed, her eyes scanning the lively scene with a touch of unease. "Not very good... These parties aren't really my thing."

Zhang Wei nodded empathetically. "Well, at least someone's enjoying themselves." He gestured toward Lisa, who was wholeheartedly indulging in an eating spree. Xiong Mei managed a wry smile, commenting, "She's definitely having a blast..."


The sudden intrusion of the system disrupted the moment. Zhang Wei, visibly startled, responded with an audible sense of bewilderment, 'What the hell is wrong with you?'

[Host, I love you!]

Zhang Wei's eyes widened in bewilderment, his expression caught off guard by the unexpected proclamation.

[Host, you managed to, for once in life, defuse a situation! You took active participation to build allies! You're doing well! Keep it up, and soon the world will bow to you.]