Discipline is important in life! Let the brother, enlighten you! (1)

Zhang Yuan's voice echoed with urgency, slicing through the tense air. "Zhang Wei, release her this instant! Or I'll command them to open fire!" Frustration etched lines on Zhang Yuan's face as the standoff intensified.

Amidst the chaotic scene, Zhang Wei chuckled omniously, confronting a barrage of aimed firearms. Mu Han's eyes widened in panic, gripped over Zhang Wei's shoulder like a like a rag—abnormally silent, pondering, 'Is this how my day ends? Held hostage by a lunatic?'

"Zhang Wei, can't you hear me!?" Zhang Yuan's voice pierced through the escalating tension.

Unfazed by Zhang Yuan's plea, Zhang Wei spoke with a smirk, addressing Mu Han, "Mu Han, isn't it? Didn't we establish that I would take the top spot on your consideration list once you opened for bookings?"


"Mu Han, what list is he blabbering about?" Zhang Yuan, taken aback, couldn't help but question, his incredulity etched across his face.