Big Brother's might! Tames through Spanking!

"You didn't lie, but you conveniently omitted the whole truth. We didn't just meet; you fell in love with me at first sight!" Zhang Wei revealed with a smirk.


"No way!" Mu Han knitted her brows in disbelief.


Zhang Wei, relentless, questioned, "You didn't?"

Mu Han, with fiery determination, insisted, "I didn't!"


Zhang Wei pressed on, "So you're saying you didn't fall in love with me at first glance?"

Mu Han, defiant, retorted, "No!"


Undeterred, Zhang Wei continued, "And you're claiming you didn't offer to accompany me inside the bathroom?"

In a sudden twist, Mu Han found herself grappling with perplexity. "No— wait, what?" She remembered the incident, but it wasn't as Zhang Wei interpreted it. "I didn't mean it that wa—"
