Other world.

God of Frenzy and God of Lust

It was the name that would be given to a specific being that possessed the authority, strength, and desire of frenzies.

The man, however, was lying on the side of the road with his face bruised and blood dripping from his broken nose. He had been beaten until he was nearly dead. Who could predict that someone with such a destiny would end up becoming the deity of lust and hysteria?

"Hey, are you alright? Hey, can you sit down, if not take my hand?" A stunning woman sat next to the guy, her red eyes unmistakably the result of colored contact lenses, but her stunning hair cascading down from her slender neck gave her an otherworldly beauty that was especially striking for someone like him.

"Yes, I am alright. Please don't mind me and allow me to go." The man got up from his seat and barely managed to support himself as he stood up and began to walk away from the girl, appearing unaffected by her beauty.

To others, it would seem like the guy was just trying to act cool in front of the beautiful girl, who looked dazed looking at the guy, but the guy had no intention of acting cool.

Given, he only wanted to leave at that precise moment because he knew that if she kept staring at him, his good impression would continue to wane.

That's what he thought, which is why he was attempting to leave her as quickly as he could, fearing that the girl would lose all respect for him because of his regal appearance.

"Weird guy, hehe, but not a bad guy after all." The girl muttered as she laughed at the chubby man who was jiggling all the way out of her line of sight before turning into the roadside and vanishing from her view.

On the other hand,

When Lin Kai finally made it to his apartment and pulled out his phone, he discovered that his weight had crushed it and his perspiration had malfunctioned the chip inside, rendering it completely unfixable.

"How will I contact my sister now? Maybe she could be worried at the moment, plus the amount in my pocket is not enough to buy a new one at all."

"Guess I have to buy one from a secondhand shop." Before going back to the side shop that his friend runs, Lin Kai did not even properly clean his face, clothes, or clothing from the blood stain and bandage. He was hoping to find a cheaper one this time.

15 Minutes later.

"Damn I was ripped, for buying a junk that can't even download any application except for the inbuilt one." Lin Kai sat on his bed and swore as he examined the strange phone, which had a fairly sturdy exterior and could withstand a hammer blow.

Lin Kai was happy enough to purchase the phone without seeing the brand name.

After all, he did say that it has a few minor problems.

However, now that he had purchased it, the man was not even considering returning it. Still, Lin Kai impulsively decided to purchase this phone because he believed he was in luck and that it would last longer.

"Hell, it can call, so I do not mind using it for a month or two until I will have some saved money if I get some work in part-time jobs."

Even though Lin Kai had previously been beaten for saving the girl, the situation involved a 5:1 ratio, making it impossible for his martial arts skills to have been of assistance.

But he still was able to beat one of them to death before he was beaten, and that is why they left without touching the girl, as they wanted to save their brother.

Therefore, jobs as nightclub security guards and other related jobs have worked amazingly well for him.

In fact, the guys who took a terrible beating from him after getting intoxicated and hurting other clubgoers gave him the nickname "death beater."

Additionally, since the club he works at is owned by the underlord and he is working for his order, he could be considered a partial member of the club, so no one tried to trouble him after the nightclub.

"I have to limit my drinking for some time now." After restarting the phone, Lin Kai mumbled as he took it out and immediately dialed the number he wanted to call from earlier.

"Brother! Are you okay? Why did you wait so long to call me? How are things going in the new city? Or did you get into some sort of trouble while assisting others?"

As he heard the voice of the sister he had been missing for some time, Lin Kai, who was sitting with a proud expression, turned to face the person on the other side.

"Little girl, who do you think I am plus? It's just that I tripped and broke my phone," Lin Kai said.

Lin Kai perspired as he thought about how that brat always seems to guess what happened so accurately, but he did not know that on the other side of the phone, Lin Kai's little sister was lying on the bed and watching the video where he fought against five guys to protect a girl.

"Hmm, right. A guy who was trained to black belt and is a genius fighter tripped and crushed his phone, but still, if you say so, then I could only believe your words."

Lin Kai chuckled at the brat words as he coughed, but he had his own motivation for keeping things from her: he did not want her to be concerned about his living situation in this place.

"Stupid brother, still wanting to hide things, but I still hope you can leave that cruel world, given I do not want to see you suffer again."

A single girl, who was sitting on her bed and staring at her computer, spoke while her eyes were fixed on the man on the other side of the screen.

End of the call.

Lin Kai finally relaxed. He sighed and sank onto the bed, contemplating the upcoming day as he felt his body dwindle in energy and grow tired.

Who would want a life like this, where all he had was his strength, and given the nature he had acquired over the years through his environment, he would never be able to force a girl to be his girlfriend?

And even if he tried to do that, he was aware that he would end up turning into the kind of scum his father was, which he detested the most.

"I will never be like you, scumbag dad." Lin Kai was the first of his kind, who was still a virgin in this field. Typically, those working in this side, people turned to becoming addicted to drugs and sex.

Lin Kai sat up and looked at the new phone when a notification appeared on the screen of his phone and a light flashed in the otherwise empty and dark room. He was confident that this phone contained nothing other than the bare minimum in terms of calling and messaging capabilities.

"What the hell, there's an application inside it, even though I've ignored it before, and what's its name?"

[Dimensional Entry App]

«Would host like to fill the application form and join this community.»

Lin Kai's phone nearly smashed against the wall. He was briefly startled when a virtual image of a girl flashed in front of him from the smartphone.

«If you don't want they please click on decline, but try not to break the portable machine along with your anger.»

The virtual girl rolled her eyes as she turned to look at Lin Kai as if she were a living being and looked at him, who almost resembled a fat pig.

"I am sorry. Wait! Is this some kind of new software or some kind of new brand that wants to prank their first buyer or what?" Thinking about his wallet which was in dire situation, he did not wanted to damage something as expensive thing which can project holograph.

«It would be better to explain by action so be prepared for your first teleport, Host.»

That was the last thing Lin Kai heard before his body flashed and disappeared from the area.

When the fresh air began to trickle down his face and awaken him, he found himself lying in a small garden next to a hut-like structure.