New world and things.

He was lying in a comfortable field, enjoying the crisp air and stunning starry sky that stretched across the vast horizon.

Everything left Lin Kai feeling disoriented as he peered around him with surprise and emotions tingling with strange sensations.

"What the hell is this, Oi?" Lin Kai was stunned when he looked around and realized there was no smartphone in sight. He then sat down, feeling fear engulfing his thoughts and wishing he could return to his familiar surroundings.

After all, he was certain that his world did not contain two moons that were shining down on him from above and that the stars had never been this big and close.

«Have you finally realize the purpose of my presence.»

«Stabilizing and creating 'Immune Mind.' for the host.»

«Immune Mind»

«Can help host from getting panic in dangerous situation.»

«Yes, that would be me, and in this world, I will appear in this form, which is not visible to normal people, but you are able to see me due to your hidden skill.»

When told that he would be able to use his skill and return to his world after some time had passed, Lin Kai finally calmed down after listening for more than a minute.

Inside this small room of the house made of wood and tree leaves, he is free to do whatever he wants for the time being.

«Previous god wanted to make it up to you, so they have allotted this territory to you, hence within this home boundary you will stay in invincible state.»

⟬Title: Sanctuary Hut Owner... Allotted.⟭

⟬Title: Sanctuary Hut Owner: Can promote host to divine being if threat present within the territory and all the living being entering the hut will have good feeling toward host.⟭

⟪ + 'Upgrade System' and 'Teleportation' Skill allotted.⟫

⟪ + 'Genius Attribute' and 'Sage Wisdom' Skill allotted.⟫

⟪ + 'Dimensional Shop' and 'Experience Hall' Space allotted.⟫

Lin Kai thought it wasn't that bad, despite the title within it looking strangely similar to "Hut," and considering the four skills he had learned and the area's one invincibility status made him eager to explore it.

Looking back, it was at this point that he made the decision to enter the hut and take a look around because excitement that had previously been buried beneath the grime of reality was beginning to emerge.

When he entered the hut, he discovered a pleasant-looking room with a soft bed and two other rooms that were open, along with two additional rooms that had small notifications hovering over them.


:⟬Dimensional Shop⟭:

:⟬Experience Hall⟭:

Lin Kai discovered a brand-new environment upon opening the Dimensional Shop door, complete with a screen hovering in front of him with writing on it and a variety of species of attractive sales girls.

«Welcome to Dimensional Shop Lin Kai, and opening the Shopping Hall Gift package.»

«Getting 1K Upgrade point.»

"Hello, Sir, Sir..." When Lin Kai was reading the prompt that was presented to him by the system while he was lost in thought, he began to have tunnel vision and failed to notice that a girl had walked in front of him.

After hearing him mutter something and realizing that he was preoccupied with something, the girl stopped and waited for him silently.

"Oh, I am sorry..." When Lin Kai eventually recovered from his daze, he discovered the girl standing in front of him still grinning and having an endless supply of patience.

Additionally, he thinks the girl is already exceptionally good at smiling like this based on his exterior physique and appearance, as well as his ability to maintain such a smile.

"No, it is alright. Then please come inside and see what you would like to buy, or you can ask me for a suggestion; plus, I can also suggest some cheap items if you want."

She held a smile, as she could tell that the guy in front of her was a novice customer and might not have much balance with him.

"Oh, that would be great, and thank you for understanding." Lin Kai was extremely pleased because it was the first time he had been spoken to with such courtesy.

As a result, he also expressed his gratitude to her and appreciated the options she had chosen for him after learning that he was a beginner.

However, he had no idea that 1000 upgrade points was a significant sum of money.

He finally settled on purchasing two skills and a pair of gloves for a total of 100 points, where the two skills were the most expensive and had consumed 80 upgrade points, and the weapon-like glove was the most affordable and cost only 20 points.

After that, he walked out of the shop and walked toward the hut entrance as he though, how this hut was also a spatial created and had such a large space within it.

After leaving the hut, he finally pulled out a useful skill that his smartphone had given him before he arrived here, along with language and writing proficiency in a number of this world's languages. This skill was stored inside his spatial bag.

:⟬Language and writing proficiency⟭: [Learned]

:⟬Mana Palm⟭: [Learned]

:⟬Basic Archery⟭: [Learned]

When he inquired about how he can control mana given that it is one of the highest within his status, the expert there suggested Mana Palm as one skill. Given, this skill alone has tendencies to smash a car in his world if used successfully.

Additionally, using and mastering this ability can assist one in learning how to conduct mana inside the human body, which is still a mystery to many people, including grand sages.

"Let's use it and see what this skill, Mana Palm, can actually do." While saying out loud, Lin Kai concentration spiked, as he felt the sensation of coursing energy that was being very hard to control and pushed it inside his palm.

When Lin Kai's hand began to shine, he launched his right leg forward with fierce momentum, slamming his palm against the tree's bark. The impact caused the bark to shake, and a small imprint of Kai's palm appeared on the bark.