Lin Kai and practicing plan.

Lin Kai, who had just smashed onto four to five time, felt utterly spent and sat down on the ground while his breathing was labored and unsteady.

He glanced at the time and noticed that a sliver of sunlight was beginning to emerge from the hillside on the other side.

He took a deep breath and realized that his mana usage was very poor; as a result, he could only use this palm strike teaching five times when he had 10 mana points available.

"Status." Lin Kai spoke. And along with those lines, a screen popped in front of him.


«Name: Lin Kai»

«Title: Sanctuary Hut Owner»

«Skills: 'Upgrade System' 'Teleportation' 'Genius Attribute' 'Sage Wisdom' 'Language and writing proficiency' 'Mana Palm' 'Basic Archery'»

«Level: 0»

«Strength: 1»

«Agility: 1»

«Vitality: 1»

«Mana: 10»

«Intelligence: 3»

«Unallotted Points: 5»

⟬Due to Genius Attribute, the host will get +10 unallotted points with each increment in the level of the host.⟭

⟬Due to Sage Wisdom, the host will get +2 permanent increment in each status of the host and

+10 points of mana each time.⟭

When Lin Kai was in the mood to play games, he realized that practicing Mana Palm and then relaxing sounded incredibly satisfying because he had found a good way to practice it without having to worry about hitting the tree bark.

He contemplated ways to release mana as soon as a palm touches a tree's bark and then pull it back to give it a powerful impact without using much mana in the process.

He finds that controlling mana gets easier and easier the more he practices and thinks about it.

After the sun had been up for an hour, the vibrant forest began to shine like pearls from the moisture that had been left on the leaves.

//Impact Method Mana Palm

Although the time needed for the fist to make contact with the tree bark was too long, which caused it to waste too much mana, Lin Kai's method of practice was to release and control the amount of mana release when using Mana Palm.

Additionally, a significant amount of mana is lost into the air prior to the impact, which significantly reduces this method's attack power.

Lin Kai developed this technique as a result, allowing him to instantly release a powerful burst of mana when his palm made contact with the tree bark.//

//Some readers frequently request an explanation of the technique I used in my earlier books, so I wrote this note to help others understand it and find it simple to picture. //

«Time period allotted has been finished, host will be send to real-time world and the time stop will also come to an end»

He heard the notification, and before he knew it, he was lying on the bed rather than on the grass, thinking about how great it would have been if he had been able to capture that scene on camera.

He could have shown it to young Xuan, who has a propensity for liking this kind of things because it was so fresh and beautiful.

Inside Dark room.

Where the sun was just starting to set. The only place Lin Kai has grown to like is on the other side of the world, so he finally opened his eyes, washed his face, brushed his teeth, and got ready for an adventure there.

Given that two days had passed since then, Lin Kai was able to begin to understand the Mana Palm attack method and integrate it with his martial arts.

He had also improved his archery, which the little Ai had requested be practiced before Lin Kai was allowed to leave the house. After all, the system Ai claimed that the world outside the hut was a dangerous place full of monsters and numerous animal species.

Even though the likelihood that Lin Kai would perish as a result of a system 10 novice guarding and security spell was low, he was not a moron who would simply go out and get killed by them.

He waited while training for the entire two days because he still did not want to take such a stupid risk. He even learned how to grow some fruit trees around the hut for relaxation.

⟬Silver Line Bow.⟭ ⟬Silver Rank⟭

⟬Skills: Scope Expansion + Enhancement + Accel⟭

⟬Silver Line is a bow created by renowned partners, a twins legend, and a reaper's weapon that was shrouded in secrecy by the history of their world.⟭

⟬Note: The amount of mana placed inside will determine the enhancement effect. Where Accel drain a lot of mana, so use it with precaution.⟭

«Today entry pass has been voided for upgrading purpose, please try again in 22 Hours, 47 Minutes, 24 Seconds»

Lin Kai was surprised when he looked at the small notification because he had no idea that the system would also undergo an upgrade. However, since it was inside a smartphone, the surprise was tolerable.

However, because the hut's level was too low, Lin Kai was unable to bring anything back to that world. However, the Lin Kai phone app transforms into a lively AI in that world and leads him by guiding him with strange screens that keep popping up in front of him for screen services.

Therefore, he began to refer to that app as a system, which fit it better than the light novel and webnovel he had read for the purpose of learning more about his situation.

Since then, he has been traveling to the second reality, which is the name Lin Kai gave to the place he always teleported to.

He first made a list of the items he might need for hunting and then packed his bag.

Along with that, he pulled out the silver bow and, while taking a deep breath, fired two arrows that, when they hit the tree bark 15 meters away from his house, where they were drawn for practice, they struck dead center.

"Nice, it is done; return!!!" The two arrows flew and Kai's arm returned when he said, "Return." This was one of the skills he had learned from the shop and one that would come in handy frequently.

He left the hut for the first time...

And after taking a look at the quest that he had gotten from Experience Hall, he could see the red flickering light in the map provided by Experience Hall.

The second room, called Experience Hall, which first appeared alongside Dimensional Shop, resembles a guild or an agency more.

Where jobs are advertised, they are initially simpler, but Lin Kai receives a significant amount of upgrade points for each one.

The most significant aspect is that the Experience Hall has a skills book that is 10 times less expensive than the shop, and the skills there are all based on classes, as opposed to the Dimensional Shop, which only has common and uncommon types of skills and does not offer higher-level skills from a single profession.

⟬Quest: Clear the monster from the surrounding area.⟭

«Reward: 40 Up per kills»

«Note: It is a daily quest and can be completed at any time.»

Since the note had already been given, Lin Kai decided not to act hastily and instead chose to hunt them all silently since they were all carnivores and possessed three main skills. If they had not had one obvious weakness, Lin Kai believed there was no way he could have been able to kill it, which made this hunt even more difficult.

⟬Berserk Slash⟭ ⟬Can attack in fierce speed and ruthless nature which increase their raw power by half in its peak state.⟭

⟬Earthen Spear⟭ ⟬Can conjure a spear made of solid earth, that can be used to attack the enemy to increase their reach.⟭

⟬Scale Defence⟭ ⟬They are able to defend themselves against any type of weapon by turning their body's hair into a rock-like state, but doing so reduces their mobility.⟭