University Class.

Lin Kai used an empty alley to travel through the city on his way to the college, and the speed at which he sped through the corner gave the impression that a wild panther was bursting from the alley like a wind through a wild forest.

However, since the alley is not used by the general public, no one gets to see him, who also rushes out every morning at 5:30 am, when the majority of people are still in bed.

"This is a good exercise for every morning, but I can also use some good weight that can accelerate the training process for me."

Lin Kai was feeling that his body has a lot of strength, but due to the sudden spike in strength, he was sure that he was not accustomed to it and is only able to release around 20 to 30% of his total strength.

It may seem insignificant, but Lin Kai, a skilled martial artist, was confident that no one alive could release more than 90% of their strength, and for the average person, releasing 10–12% of it would be an outstanding accomplishment.

"Wow, it is really cold and refreshing in the early morning." After finally arriving on campus, Kai went to the martial arts club side to wash his face.

When he entered the club room, he noticed that the facility was empty, with several pieces of equipment shining brightly.

This was because the club was closed at this early hour.

So, despite already forgetting that his actual body had completely changed, he was confident that he could train without encountering any difficulties at this point and did not need to worry about it in the least.


As soon as the school bell rang in the morning, all of the students who had been spilling out of the dormitory and college gates began their new day.

Along with that, the class of first-year students in section B was full of individuals who had arrived early to appear studious and attentive for just one class.

After all, this class was quite well-known for its starting teacher, or class instructor, who was hired a year ago and rose to fame as an English lecturer.

However, her attractive appearance, which drew both male and female students alike, was the reason she became famous rather than her fascinating classes.

Although Lin Kai, who previously lacked confidence, had never paid attention to the attractiveness of a female teacher, he really enjoyed her lectures, which always made use of the most recent information regarding the social hierarchy of the current government.

Perhaps this was another factor in why he was attacked by thugs sent by a teacher after he first attracted her attention to himself.

She continued to keep a safe distance after that because she didn't want to draw attention to him from others.

One of the class representatives, a boy with higher aptitude than Lin Kai and who was a handsome male figure from a different family, stood up to stop Kai before taking his seat as soon as he entered the class and the majority of the students immediately looked at his way to find a new student they had never seen before.

"Sorry, this is an English classroom for Year 1 students in the finance group." As Kai looked to the side and noticed a few female students staring in his direction, he was surprised to realize that his new appearance was once again causing him problems.

"I..." Kai was about to speak when Miss Liu entered the class and spoke. "Everyone take your seat, and student Lin go back to your seat too." She had a book in hand and was reading when she noticed Lin Kai's attire and thought she recognized him until she turned to face him.

She felt a little startled but kept her expression neutral.

"Kai! You have changed a lot in this vacation, I guess, plus you have gotten rid of those fats too, making you look out a lot." Liu XuanXin looked really surprised by his looks.

But given that none of them were able to contrast the handsome man in front of them with that fatty from before, those who were initially staring at Kai felt more shocked than teacher Liu did.

"He is Kai!!!" One of them lost all control and yelled, along with a wave of whispers because none of them dared to doubt that teacher Liu would be making jokes with them, as they watched Kai return to his seat and sat quietly.

They all felt a tingling sensation in their scalps as he pulled out his book and looked at the students who were staring at him and observing him.

Even though Kai was a brutal man prior to this, many people held him in low regard because of his appearance.

However, now that he also possessed good looks, they were more willing to respect him.

They all held Lin Kai in contempt, despite the fact that some of them made an effort to talk to him properly and that he did not respond to them in disdain but instead made them laugh and began to chat with him in a proper manner, thinking that Lin Kai was not such a bad person.

"Focus on the board." Lin Kai felt that whatever the teacher was saying had many variations because he discovered that he could remember every word she was saying.

The commotion subsided when Liu spoke in a strict tone, and the solomon class resumed the previous left topic.

In addition to that, he was also able to recall the majority of the things he had seen before arriving here, as evidenced by his memory of the newspaper he had seen before entering the school cafeteria before class.

"This is the effect of the intelligence stat that I put in while leveling up." Lin Kai came out with an judgement and conclusion, as he thought how intelligence effect are really something, he had never thought of before.


«Name: Lin Kai»

«Title: Sanctuary Hut Owner»

«Skills: 'Upgrade System' 'Teleportation' 'Genius Attribute' 'Sage Wisdom' 'Language and writing proficiency' 'Mana Palm' 'Basic Archery'»

«Level: 5»

«Strength: 24»

«Agility: 24»

«Vitality: 19»

«Mana: 60»

«Intelligence: 29»

«Unallotted Points: 5»

⟬Due to Genius Attribute, the host will get +10 unallotted points with each increment in the level of the host.⟭

⟬Due to Sage Wisdom, the host will get +2 permanent increment in each status of the host and

+10 points of mana each time.⟭

The class turned out to be enjoyable for Lin Kai, who was beginning to enjoy it as his memories became clearer and clearer.

In addition, the details of his past, which most people would eventually forget, also began to become clear in his mind, causing him to realize how rapidly he was evolving and that most people would not be able to catch up to him in the near future unless they also began to level up like him.

"It is very alluring and exhilarating to feel smarter, more attractive, and stronger than any human could possibly be. However, I must start leveling up once more in order to continue this growth."

When the class came to an end, teacher Liu ended her class and walked out with a smile on her face as she looked at the volume of lessons she had completed.

"As long as someone can get a high score from my class, it will make my achievement grow, but it is very hard to find one of that kind, except for Kai."

Given that Kai was the smartest student in her class and that few students from disadvantaged backgrounds are as dedicated to their studies as Kai is, she had high regard for him and wanted to put him in the spotlight.

"But calling him to the office could make trouble for him, so how can I meet and have a chat with him without getting him in trouble?"

The thought of Wang, a man who had been bothering Liu and whom she could have easily gotten rid of if she had wanted to, gave her a headache.

However, that would also put an end to her teaching career, something she was trying to avoid at the moment and could only shake her head at.

A group of men, including one from Kai's class, stopped him as he was making his way toward the cafeteria before turning around to go back home for some fun leveling.

"Oh, isn't this our Kai, who is now so thin to this degree, don't tell me that you are out of money for even food and lost that much weight while starving for a whole two weeks?"

Given that he couldn't have defeated all five of them together, they all began to laugh at Kai, who was standing there and staring at them in silence. However, Kai was no longer the same person, and his speed and agility, in particular, are not to be laughed at.

"Are you guys done? Then I have something important to do, so I will pass." They caught Kai's attention as he looked past them.

Student Zhang held a sneer as he looked at the side lackey and made an eye sign, and all four of them kicked in the direction of Kai's leg.

As if they had kicked on a steel rod, one of them screamed, "Ahh!" He dropped their leg while holding it because he was attempting to kick the back of his knees.

Knowing that his knees were a weak point, Lin Kai focused his Mana there. Knowing their intelligence level, he was confident that they would attack his leg, which had previously been a weak point because of his weight.

"I say Zhang, rather than being a pus** and hiding behind these guys, do you really have balls to attack me or not, given that even if I were to cripple them, you, who is the main mastermind, will tend to continue to pester me, right."