
As Zhang Hao Min remembered how the girl he had been trying to woo by using Lin Kai as an example began to look at Kai in a dazed state, his face darkened with anger and disgust, but being unable to reply back to him was also a humiliation for him.

"Hah! You've suddenly grown a pair of balls and are trying to mess with me." Hao Min began to lose his cool, but Kai decided that the man barking in front of him was not worth spoiling his mood. As he moved quickly toward Hao Min, Kai punched him in the face, causing him to fall to the ground on his ass and slam back against the wall.

"To current me, beating a shit out of you is this easy, and you are not even worth a shit in front of me, so remember that and keep your tiny, shitty mouth out of my alley." Looking at his face, Kai did not wait and walked out of the room without turning back to look at the guy.

"Kai!" After what had happened earlier, Kai was not in a good mood as he made his way back to the apartment. He was considering how his action might cause him problems when a charming voice called to him from the other side.

It was Lena, as she was going back to her apartment and happened to see him, so she called out his name and caught up to him.

"Lena! Are you coming back from college? Do you want to come to a party tonight? I will be making barbecue along with beer." Kai stopped and waited for her while asking, at which point Lena stopped for a second before nodding with a smile.

"Sure! I will be looking forward to it, but it could have been best in a small, fresh forested area if possible, right?" The Isekai world entered Kai's mind at that precise moment, but taking her there was risky, and he had not previously trusted her to this extent.

As a result, he stopped.

"Sorry, but next time for sure..."

Lena turned and sped up her pace as she and Kai said their goodbyes and headed back toward the apartment, where they entered their rooms before Kai started to get ready for the barbecue. Lena entered her room, jumped on the bed, and laid flat, feeling exhausted.

She then picked up her phone and began talking on the phone with a friend until it was six o'clock in the evening.

As she began to get ready, Kai, who was nearly finished with the barbecue, began to move things toward the small space he had rented.

Even though it wasn't for him, the person who asked him to rent it was planning to use it the day after tomorrow, so up until then, he had given Kai free reign to use the space however he pleased.

The top floor of a hotel used to be a four-restaurant complex. For some reason, it was forced to close, but it is now being rented out and used for other things. In addition, Kai Boss, an underground lord's right hand, has claimed ownership of the entire complex.

"This is the place that you had talked about."

Lena, who was visiting for the first time, was astounded to see the location up close, where Kai's existence began to seem more and more complex to her.

Kai's attention was drawn to the woman because she appeared to be a fresh pear waiting to be devoured by someone else because of the dark purple clothing that gave her a hint of maturity in her appearance and the redness of her eyes.

"Hmm, he is a man of the underworld, so this place was rented by him, although to say it was rented would be stretching the truth, given the guy was definitely threatened by him."

Kai grinned wryly, but he thought boss bear was a great man who had always looked out for him, no matter where he had been. It was because of him that Kai had the opportunity to attend this university.

"Oh, like those from the Mafia and all." Lena's eyes sparkled because she had only read about them in a novel, a newspaper, or something somewhat comparable. She may have heard it from a boy for the first time because of this.

"Haha, it is similar but not like the thing that you are imagining right now."

Hearing her enthusiastic voice, Kai laughed, as he knew that what she was thinking was totally different from what reality is like.

After all, he who had been mixed up in this world for such a long amount of time knew the best: that the world inside this kind of organization is not something one can get away from.

"Hmm, but you are kind, Kai. And if you are involved in this world, that is telling me that your boss is a good person and someone that you respect."

Lena chose to believe in Kai despite the fact that Kai could tell she was a little uneasy as he opened the door and spoke in a light tone while standing next to him.

"Yeah, you are right, Lena." She was shivering slightly from the cold wind from the outside as night was beginning to fall when Kai turned to smile at her and extended his hand to her.

"Okay!" Lena started to feel comfortable, and her worry started to fade as they both entered the restaurant while holding hands and talking about college, a topic that was natural for them to discuss. The good food and drink also helped to ease Lena's anxiety.


Kai brought Lena to her apartment, where she thanked him as she walked in with a smile on her face, as she ended up enjoying the party along with him.

Since she had never attempted to do so before for a variety of reasons—her own safety being the primary one—this was actually the first party invitation she had ever accepted.

Kai left his apartment to meet Boss Bear in the bar that he owned after receiving a call from him via a social media platform.

"Kai! Huh, but the way I know him, that guy would never create trouble unless someone would knock at his door." The boss of the southern subarea Boss Bear was a pressing subject for the entire southern subarea.

The man seated in front of him was also a member of one of the small families that worked with him and gave him the money to rule the entire market. His last name was Zhang, and he was related to the boy named Zhang who made an attempt to cause trouble.

"Yes, my nephew was beaten badly to the point that he might need to rest for a week on the bed, and you are saying that he is a polite guy."

This time, Kai the boy was the target of Zhang Hao's warning because Kai had a weak defense in the form of teacher Wang, who had asked Zhang Mo and forced Hao Min to take action against Kai.

"Shut up, I know what I am doing, and he will be here soon; let's see what he has to say in this." When Lin Kai entered the room, Boss Bear yelled, and the noise of the door opening caused Zhang Hao to turn and look at the boy who had entered, with a calm expression and slim body that even caused Boss Bear to turn silent and laugh.

"Brat Kai, did you have plastic surgery or what? But you had changed a lot in these few weeks, and I had a hard time recognizing you in this form." Even though Yu Han (Boss Bear) had trouble identifying Lin Kai, he nevertheless felt happy for Lin Kai because he had undergone a great transformation in a relatively short period of time and because the vibe he was picking up from Lin Kai was also quite strong.

"It seemed you have changed a lot, both physically and mentally." Lin Kai was startled by the words spoken by Boss Bear and grinned as he considered how frightening Boss Bear's keen sense was.

"Hmm, but brother Han. I am sorry if I created a nuisance for you this time." Kai spoke while looking at Zhang Han and Zhang Mo. As he thinks back on them, he also remembers that the fool he had just beaten had been a lacky of the person seated in front of him.

"Good that you are being direct about it. Mind explaining things that had happened; after all, you know I am known for being fair and just."

When Boss Bear said it, the room's temperature started to change, making Lin Kai slightly perspire as she observed him giving off a strong energy.

'He is better than the monster that I had hunted and it seem, that people on earth can also be stronger like this, so is there a cultivation system or leveling system in this world too.'

Although Lin Kai's perspective on the world began to change as a result of the pressure, he did not feel particularly threatened because if he used his bow or mana skills, even the Boss Bear might not be able to hurt him.

However, there was still another reality: Lin Kai was also powerless to hurt the person seated in front of him.