Chapter 9


DAMMIT!!!! I swear my people have the worst timing ever. I get Jayden to at least give me a chance and am about to go in for a kiss, and now they want to call me. I know it is urgent because the call came from my office. The siren is the ringtone I gave that number, so I know it is an emergency. “WHAT?!?!” I answer with venom in my voice.

“Alpha, I'm sorry to interrupt, but just know how important it is,” Jax explained on the other line.

“Well, what is it?!”

“Rogues again, Alpha, a group of them like before."

“And you guys can’t take care of it without me?” I ask incredulously. I have amazing warriors that don’t need me to hold their hands. The number of rogues attacking at once is concerning, but it's not something that could not be taken care of without me.

“Um….well……” Jax stumbled over his words. This was not like him. He is usually an ‘in your face’ type of person, the type to say what he means and not stop to worry about whose feelings he is hurting.

“Jax,” I start. “You are starting to make me nervous. What the hell is going on?!”

“Well…..they sent a message. I message only for you; your name is on the envelope.” Well, that is just eerie. Why would a group of rogues attack and then leave a message specifically for me?

“Alright. I will be there soon.” I walk back into the living room, and Jayden looks up. “I have to go. There is a situation back home that I have to attend to.”

Jayden cocks his head. “Is there something I can do to help? You look a bit worried.”

“No, everything will be okay. We will continue this later, promise.” With that, I leave his place and head down the stairs. Dread is starting to eat at me because it seems like something is going on, but I have no idea what it could be.

The 3-hour drive home seemed to take forever, but actually, I arrived in less time. I guess the anxiety that was building up resulted in me driving faster than usual. I flew through the open gates and pulled up to the pack house. I jumped out of the car, leaving it running so the warrior could easily get it put away. As I made my way to the door, Jax stood there waiting. He looked like he hadn’t slept in days, so this must really be serious. Without saying a word, Jax hands me a black envelope with my name written in bold, white letters on the front. I turn the envelope over and open it. Inside is a red piece of paper; no pictures, just words. The card says: I am coming for you. Jax looked at me with the same question in his eyes that I was asking myself. Who the hell sent this….who the hell is coming for me?


Kehlani left abruptly, and the room felt empty without her. I can’t believe I agreed to her deal. What exactly was I thinking? I know this is not going to end well, but I couldn’t help myself. I head into my room to shower and change so I can find Brooklyn.

I looked out back and found Brooklyn running around with the twins while Autumn was watching them from the deck. I went to sit on the seat next to her and stretched out.

“You don’t look as relaxed as you should be after your visit with your mate,” Autumn said to me. She didn’t turn from the kids to look at me.

“Well, I'm not sure it was meant to be a relaxing visit. I didn’t even know she was coming to see me,” I replied. I looked out and watched the kids laughing and playing. “The fact that I have Brooklyn didn’t turn her off; then again, it's still early. Once she understands what it all means, I'm sure she will see the truth and find someone better.”

“Why do you do that?” Autumn questioned me.

“What do you mean… what?”

Autumn turned to me and looked me in the eye. “Why do you put yourself down? Why are you the only person who doesn’t see how damn amazing you are?” Autumn reaches out and caresses my cheek. “I know you were hurt. We were there and we helped you through it. It was not because of who you are or aren’t. She was lacking; she has always been lacking. You are such an amazing man…..I probably shouldn’t tell you this…..” Autumn trailed off.

I looked at her as she looked past me with unshed tears. “What is it?”

“When we were younger…..there was a time that I wished you would end up being my fated mate. Don’t get me wrong, I love Issac with all that I have and am so grateful he's mine. I wouldn’t let him go for anything, but I grew up seeing who and how you are, and I couldn’t help but want that for myself.” Autumn turned to me with a slight smile on her lips. I wiped the one tear that fell down her cheek. I gave her the biggest hug I could manage.

“Thank you for that. I'm just….I still feel broken over what happened. You're such a good friend to me, and I do wish, sometimes, to get what you and Issac have.”

Autumn sighed, pulling back from me so she could look at me. “You can have all that and more if you would just realize how great you are and at least let Kehlani get to know you. I know the Moon Goddess paired you two for a reason, and I think you should trust that.” Autumn patted my cheek again and looked at the kids playing. Behind us, we heard a throat clearing.

“Don’t mind me guys,” Issac started. “I seemed to have walked up on a touching moment.”

I turned and looked at him. “Nah, I was just trying to get your mate to leave you for me, but she refused.” Autumn slapped me on my arm as I chuckled.

“Yeah, as if she would ever leave me for anyone,” Issac stated as he sat down behind Autumn, enveloping her in his arms. The three of us sat and watched our children laugh and play with each other until it was time for dinner. We called the kids in to get them ready to eat.

“Where did Kehlani go so quickly?” asked Issac.

“She had to get back to her territory. Something happened there that needed her attention. She said everything was okay, but she looked as if things were worse than they seemed,” I respond.

“Well, why are you still here? Go see if she needs help and let her know that the Lunar pack is at her service if needed. We will take care of Brooklyn while you are gone.” Issac sat at the table, looking intensely at me, waiting for my reply. Before I could, Brooklyn came running up and pounced on my lap.

“Are you leaving daddy? Where are you going?”

“Your dad is going to go represent our pack and help that nice lady that was here earlier,” Isaac told her while I looked at him over her head, giving him the 'what the hell are you doing’ look. Issac just smirked at me and looked back to Brooklyn. “How about while your dad is away, working, you stay with me and god mom. I bet your godbrothers would like that.”

“That sounds like so much fun! I can’t wait.” Brooklyn turns and looks at me. “I like that lady, daddy. She was nice, and she is so pretty. I hope she can come back over again.” At this, Issac and Autumn are smirking and trying not to laugh out loud. And these are my so-called friends.

“Well, I'm not sure about that, but I will tell her how much fun you had today,” I tell Brooklyn. She sat next to me just as dinner was being served. I just glared at Issac and started to eat. Man, I had no intention of seeing her so soon; damn, Issac. Who am I to argue? He is my Alpha. I decided to leave early in the morning, so I could get to her as soon as possible.