Adriana was running somewhere at great speed, but she didn't know where. She got to a large crowd and pushed herself through to the front so she could see better what was going on. There, in the midst of the crowd was Bren. He was covered in a lot of blood and seemed to be in much pain. His head was on the block. And the executioner stood over it, waiting for his mark.

Adriana gasped in shock. She followed the executioner's gaze up a podium to where her parents stood looking stern and grim. Philippe was standing there too with one of his hands raised. "Philippe don't!" Adriana said running over to where he stood crying.

He paid no attention to her."Philippe, please!" He didn't even spare her a glance. He put his hand down, and she look at Bren. The executioner chopped off his head with one swift stroke of his axe. Adrianna felt a sharp pain in her chest. "Noooo!" She screamed falling to her knees.