Adriana carefully put Midnight Star back into the stables. "I'll come back tomorrow okay?" She said patting his head. "And I'm sorry I frightened you. Goodnight Midnight Star."She said locking his door so he wouldn't come out. As she collapsed into bed, exhausted from the roller coaster of emotions she'd felt not long ago, the last words Bren said to her before she left echoed in her head. 'There is always hope with love." That gave her some kind of peace and she finally slept off.


Adriana woke up quite early the next day. She hadn't had much sleep during the night. Her head throbbed painfully. She might have told Bren to back down, but that didn't mean she would too. She would do everything in her power to stop the marriage between her and Philippe. He could do nothing whatsoever to her even if he wanted to. Therefore, she was the best candidate to counteract him.