Adriana sat down on her bed going through an illegal book she'd acquired which contained the history of the Persian empire. She heard some footsteps approaching and quickly hid the book underneath her pillow. She then brought out another one and began to pretend she was reading it.

Her mother walked into the room. She kissed her head gently then sat on the bed beside her. "Back to your old habits I guess." She said glancing at the book. Adriana shrugged "I'm just doing anything I can to keep myself from thinking about the horrible fate my selfish parents have condemned me to."

Her mother frowned. "Come on, I thought we were past this Adriana." her mother said obviously looking displeased.

"Past what mom?The fact that I'm getting married to a stranger in less than five months?" She said moving to another side of the bed. " Or past the part that you and your husband selfishly sold me to that... beast for money and power?"