Adriana was at the pond in the garden. The lovely silver ripples the moonlight made with the water, brought the lovely memories of first time Bren had told her he loved her flooding back to her. Only now all she could feel was fear and uncertainty. Where are you Bren? I wish you were here now, with me. She whispered in her mind. Adriana sighed sadly, and just as a tear made its way down her face, a pair of warm strong hands hugged her gently from behind.

This scent. These hands and the feel of his warm body pressed to hers. She knew who it was at once. Adriana leaned her head against his neck and jaw and enjoyed the feel of his cool breath teasing her ear as he held her possesively.

Bren took in the flowery scent of her silky hair like an addictive drug. She was his. And he was never going to share her with anyone. Ever. Adriana released herself from his embrace and turned to face him.