Adriana and Bren stood before the great oak doors of the meeting halls. Bren clasped her hand in his. She looked up at his face.

"Whatever happens in there Adriana, just know that I love you.'' He said with a smile. He could feel the tremors running through her hand. Tremors of fear and uncertainty.

Just as she was about to smile back, the doors were thrown open with a loud noise. Adriana tightened her grip on his hand, and together they boldly stepped into the meeting halls.

From the head of the council where he sat as always, her father's piercing gaze was focused at the point where Bren's hand met her's.

Adriana's breath hitched. The governor could be quite unpredictable at times. And despite the amount of thought She'd given it, she couldn't discern the reason behind him calling for Bren and her to this council meeting.