The governor could feel more creases appearing on his forehead with every look he took at the much larger army opposite him. According to the men he'd sent to survey the enemy camp the night before, this was only a division of the allied forces of Persia and Media.

Peering far ahead, into the enemy lines, he could sight the Median king, Cyrus. However, another noble sat atop his horse by his side, one whom he could not identify. The man's visage was cloaked in an iron mask. Could this be the Persian king? He wondered.

There was an odd familiarity about those deep brooding eyes. The spies he'd sent out to survey the enemy camp had also informed him of the prescence of strange devices in the enemy camp. Gadgets they'd never come across before.

The governor could not allow the men to share his feelings, but gradually, fear was creeping into him and the war hadn't even begun.