Chapter 29 – Chewing gums

After the tea, Princess Mere went in search of Nozomu, to see what he was up to. The entire court followed her along the corridors, in the direction of the kitchen. A servant quickly opened the doors for her, and the Princess entered, and the smell of chocolate being Cooked reached her nose and made her smile.

A Cook’s assistant bowed to her, and answering her question about what was happening in there and what was that strange and delicious smell, he guided her along the large kitchen, in the direction of a line of stoves.

Taisetsuna was looking around, amazed by the size of that kitchen and the equipment available.

In the middle of the kitchen, there was a long counter, with five assistants occupied in several tasks. One was choosing the best looking cocoa seeds, two were turning the seeds into powder, and the others were either filling bowls with cocoa powder or bringing more bags with cocoa seeds.