Chapter 30 – Taisetsuna’s fan

The Nobles noticed the Princess looking at them with Magic around her, a clear sign that she wasn’t joking, and they immediately gave the gums they were chewing to a Cook’s assistant that went to them, and also gave him the wrapped gums they still had.

She left the kitchen in a hurry, with Nozomu running after her. Taisetsuna stayed in the kitchen, dumbfounded by all that had happened.

The Guild Master cleaned his forehead from the cold sweat that was piling and he spoke, making every set of eyes look at him, “What about if we went outside to let the Cooks finish things here? The Princess didn’t say it, but I am sure she won’t be pleased if we are still here when she returns.”

The Nobles realized he was definitely right and followed a servant that guided them to the garden again.