Chapter 37 – Meeting Tresuria, the Gailie

Nozomu nodded, unable to stop looking at those pink eyes. Koyaga spoke, and the plant girl looked at her with a big smile. "Hello, Tresuria, nice to meet you. I am Koyaga Azusake, and he is Nozomu Shinchaku."

"This one is pleased to meet you, Koyaga Azusake. This one is also pleased to meet you, ‘new hope’. This one likes your name, it makes this one believe you will do great things."

"Thanks, I guess, but you can call me Nozomu, like everyone else. No one ever calls me by what my name means in the ancient language. I hope you don’t mind my question, but why do you refer to yourself in the third person by saying ‘this one’ all the time?"

The plant girl giggled. "Hihihi! You are not used to Gailies, it seems. This one is not important, only mother Nature is. Gailies are sons and daughters of Nature. They are not focused on personal realization as Humans and Beast-kind are."