Chapter 38 – Dangerous chewing gum

Nozomu wondered why Koyaga was looking at him with her eyes glowing, and she said, "You will like her, Nozomu! Muse is a crazy woman, but an exceptional fighter! She can use anything as a weapon. When I was in the Academy with her, I dared her to fight with a broom, and I got my ass kicked! Oh, I almost forgot! Nozomu, this is the Guild Master, Agu Sirel, and for me, the greatest Dwarf that ever lived! Or used to be, but then his daughter was born. Darn it, I miss Muse. And this cute little thing is Tresuria. We just met her moments ago."

"Yes, I know Tresuria. She arrived yesterday with her Party. Where are they, by the way?"

The smiling Gailie answered with her hands behind her back and with her body wobbling back and forth. "They went to the market, and this one was sightseeing. This one saw Nozomu and Koyaga arriving from the Magical Circle with two Unicorns, and this one got curious and talked to them."

"No way! Unicorns? Koyaga, how did you manage that?"